
Shoe Me The Pennies???

SharkShark Registered Users Posts: 282 Major grins
edited April 14, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I'm very low key in my photography sales. Photography, in my particular instance, doesn't pay me on a regular basis. It's just a hobby that I love, and sometimes people buy photos from me. When that happens, it's a major plus for me. Something I love doing, and people are buying from me?? That's cool with me. That's how my game is run. I'd love to be making more than $500 a month in sales, and get regular checks from SmugMug, but I just don't think that will happen. I try but,,,,oh well. Up until this point my sales wouldn't even meet the $200 profit for a quarterly check to be sent to me. So my question is, if I'm reading the tutorial right, (gasp from all SmugMuggers near and far that Shark is actually reading a tutorial) I should wait until I have at least $100 in profits due, and then send an e-mail to
showmethemoney requesting that a check be sent to me?
Of course if I have $200 due, and one of the quarters is ending, I won't do anything, because a check will come automatically, but if business were to stay the same with me, is that the correct procedure?
It would be nice if this wasn't an issue, but I have to be realistic.

"12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
Ansel Adams



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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2009
    You've got it correct - $500 monthly, $200 quartertly, automatically.

    But, it's your money - and you can request a check any month, for any amount, and we'll include it in our monthly payment cycle. Just write The Countess of Cash at showmethemoney :D

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    SharkShark Registered Users Posts: 282 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    You've got it correct - $500 monthly, $200 quartertly, automatically.

    But, it's your money - and you can request a check any month, for any amount, and we'll include it in our monthly payment cycle. Just write The Countess of Cash at showmethemoney :D


    So I don't need to wait until I have at least $100 in profit, I can request a check even if say, $50 was due me?

    Also Andy, I'm not sure how busy you are, or if you're even able to do this, but I noticed in one of the tutorials that you said we could ask you to check out our site to see if the way we edit our photos was good, or if it would be more beneficial for us to have it done through one of the processing labs.

    I'm colorblind, so I wing my editing, sometimes with a little help from my family.

    If you don't have the time to check my site out, I understand, I was just wondering.
    "12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
    Ansel Adams

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    gluwatergluwater Registered Users Posts: 3,599 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    Shark wrote:
    So I don't need to wait until I have at least $100 in profit, I can request a check even if say, $50 was due me?

    Also Andy, I'm not sure how busy you are, or if you're even able to do this, but I noticed in one of the tutorials that you said we could ask you to check out our site to see if the way we edit our photos was good, or if it would be more beneficial for us to have it done through one of the processing labs.

    I'm colorblind, so I wing my editing, sometimes with a little help from my family.

    If you don't have the time to check my site out, I understand, I was just wondering.
    That's true, you can request a check for whatever profit you have, even if it's under $100.

    I'm one of the print specialists at SmugMug and I just took a look through a bunch of your galleries. Your editing is pretty good, especially being color blind. As long as you do your color edits by the numbers that shouldn't really matter too much. Honestly your edits are a bit better then some I see from those who aren't color blind mwink.gif. I would still suggest using Bay Photo with their Color Correction. They do it all by hand and you and your customers will get the best prints from your photos this way. So if your photos are good they'll leave them alone but if they need a little extra help they'll fix them up. There's some more info here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/choice-of-printing-labs.
    SmugMug Technical Account Manager
    Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
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    SharkShark Registered Users Posts: 282 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    gluwater wrote:
    I'm one of the print specialists at SmugMug and I just took a look through a bunch of your galleries. Your editing is pretty good, especially being color blind. As long as you do your color edits by the numbers that shouldn't really matter too much. Honestly your edits are a bit better then some I see from those who aren't color blind mwink.gif. I would still suggest using Bay Photo with their Color Correction. They do it all by hand and you and your customers will get the best prints from your photos this way. So if your photos are good they'll leave them alone but if they need a little extra help they'll fix them up. There's some more info here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/choice-of-printing-labs.

    Thank you very much gluwater, I wasn't expecting a response like that. After offering it all up like that, I thought I was in for a lambasting. I appreciate your comments.
    You said if my photos are good, Bay Photo will leave them alone, but if they need a little extra help, they'll fix them. So, should I send them for printing and shipping after I've done my editing, or would it be better if all I did was crop them?


    ps - You aren't commenting on the two galleries titled N.Y.S.P.H.S.A.A. or Game Photos are you? The photos in those two galleries are from games that I've shot at, and are untouched yet. I only edit them when someone orders a photo, so they are directly off the camera. The rest of the galleries have been edited by me though.
    "12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
    Ansel Adams

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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    Shark wrote:
    So, should I send them for printing and shipping after I've done my editing, or would it be better if all I did was crop them?
    Crop when you buy in the shopping cart deal.gif
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    SharkShark Registered Users Posts: 282 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Crop when you buy in the shopping cart deal.gif

    No, I meant if I chose to try Bay Photo's color correcting process, printing, and shipping, should I do nothing to the sold photo except crop it before it gets sent out to them?
    "12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
    Ansel Adams

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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    Shark wrote:
    No, I meant if I chose to try Bay Photo's color correcting process, printing, and shipping, should I do nothing to the sold photo except crop it before it gets sent out to them?
    Correct. But crop in the shopping cart, or in proof delay after the customer orders.
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    SharkShark Registered Users Posts: 282 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Correct. But crop in the shopping cart, or in proof delay after the customer orders.

    Right. OK thanks Andy.
    "12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
    Ansel Adams

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