computer bug, or smugbug?

I have been having some crazy issues with my computer since I was recently attacked by a Spyware trojan. We have since, purchased Norton, which helped for a day, and then new problems started occuring. I am now, not able to upload any pictures to my Smugmug galleries, and have to use my husband's computer to upload recent photo shoots. Is this due to a security setting in Norton, a computer virus still hacking at my computer, or a Smugmug problem? Also, when I am in a gallery, I cannot navigate between pages. For example, when I am on page 1, and I click to view page 3, the address bar at the top of the web browser changes to show that I am on page 3, but my pictures don't change, and page 3 never appears on the screen. This is getting very frustrating... any ideas? One other thing: are the stats still getting an overhaul, or is my crazy computer still not keeping up with it? I posted a gallery Sat night, that was opened and viewed by my client, however, it is now Mon afternoon, and the stat counter still shows that the gallery has not been viewed. Your help with all these problems is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
My website:
My website:
Exactly what happens when you upload?
What uploader?
What browser & version are you using?
Please describe in all the gory details what happens, so we can best help, thanks!
What gallery are you expecting stats views on?
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I am uploading with the Simple browser, using IE8. I have also tried IE7, just before updateing to IE8, and it did not work either. I have had this problem since sometime around April 2. When I upload, the status bar (box with red lines) moves all the way across, from left to right, for each picture, as if it is uploading. When each picture is finished, it says "checking picture". The "upload complete" window never pops up, even after waiting for quite a long time. When I clicked back into the gallery to see if it uploaded any pictures, I saw that it never did. I have tried this numerous times on my computer now, and have gotten the same result every time, except once when I got 1 picture, after 30 minutes waiting on the upload. I can upload when I use my husband's computer, but the uploads are extremely slow, much slower than when mine was uploading properly. On that computer, we are using Firefox.
I have been expecting stats for T. Announcement, however, the stats have just appeared tonight. I am also expecting stats on Kaleigh:
I can see that the gallery has been clicked on, by checking my e-mails sent from Smugmug, but the stats show that it is empty. I'm assuming Smugmug is still "up to 24 hours behind" on stats. Is this correct, or is it just my account?
Hope all of this helps. Thanks again.
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