Any Hacks for Keyword function?
I shoot lots of photos that need to be searchable by numbers in the pictures...Currently the way we do this now is by the keyword. For example:
I will add "1""13""45""23" to make the photos in a gallery searchable by number 1,13,45,23 .
I have an event that I will be photographing shortly that has 60,000 participants in it. I have quick tagging tool that can append the numbers I need to the file name of the picture where the searchable number is delimited by a ^ and not "" for example DSC_453 is the file name and ^1^13^45^23 would be the numbers to search by. When the software tool I have is finished processing the complete filename of the picture will look like this :DSC_453^1^13^45^23
What I am wondering is if there is any hacks out there to recognize the ^ as a delimiter and append just the numbers to the keywords of each photo. To make the photo searchable by numbers.....Currently, smugmug only recognizes the quotation marks as delimiters for adding numbers to the keyword.
So in a high level code it would look something like this:
imagefilename = DSC_453^1^13^45^23 ;
imagefilename =! " ";
traverse imagefilename for the next ^
insert next INT value in keyword with " " on both side of the INT
continue this until there are no more ^' in the file name.
Then search the next imagefilename...
I am not really a great coder, but do understand the programming process. I know this can be done, but don't know if it is already out there. If anyone can help me out that would be great!
I already have the search function to search the images in each gallery for the keywords and I know the numbers can be manually entered in the keyword boxes, but for this event with 60,000 participants there is no way I can physically enter all the values and have them posted in the gallery by the timeframe I am expected to have this complete.
Thanks to anyone who can help out!
I shoot lots of photos that need to be searchable by numbers in the pictures...Currently the way we do this now is by the keyword. For example:
I will add "1""13""45""23" to make the photos in a gallery searchable by number 1,13,45,23 .
I have an event that I will be photographing shortly that has 60,000 participants in it. I have quick tagging tool that can append the numbers I need to the file name of the picture where the searchable number is delimited by a ^ and not "" for example DSC_453 is the file name and ^1^13^45^23 would be the numbers to search by. When the software tool I have is finished processing the complete filename of the picture will look like this :DSC_453^1^13^45^23
What I am wondering is if there is any hacks out there to recognize the ^ as a delimiter and append just the numbers to the keywords of each photo. To make the photo searchable by numbers.....Currently, smugmug only recognizes the quotation marks as delimiters for adding numbers to the keyword.
So in a high level code it would look something like this:
imagefilename = DSC_453^1^13^45^23 ;
imagefilename =! " ";
traverse imagefilename for the next ^
insert next INT value in keyword with " " on both side of the INT
continue this until there are no more ^' in the file name.
Then search the next imagefilename...
I am not really a great coder, but do understand the programming process. I know this can be done, but don't know if it is already out there. If anyone can help me out that would be great!
I already have the search function to search the images in each gallery for the keywords and I know the numbers can be manually entered in the keyword boxes, but for this event with 60,000 participants there is no way I can physically enter all the values and have them posted in the gallery by the timeframe I am expected to have this complete.
Thanks to anyone who can help out!
Here's some code for reading filenames (it converts filenames to captions):
It could probably be modified to parse your filenames and add the appropriate numbers as keywords.
I don't really have a lot of free time to do this, but if you're interested in hiring me to make the mods and test them, we could work that way. I'd estimate the work and testing to be around $150, and I'd want to release the work to the public domain afterwards. PM me if you're interested.
How much to not post the work? I would like to keep this proprietary to my site.
Although... I'm not sure if you can put double-quote marks into IPTC keywords, and if they are there, whether SmugMug will preserve them. Huh... let me test that. I'm curious.
I used exiftool.exe to add numeric IPTC keywords with double-quotes, no problem. They show up in the SmugMug UI as: "1"; "123"; "5555"
Unfortunately, SmugMug still refuses to recognize such numeric keywords as valid. SmugMug insists that the numeric keywords be space-delimited before it will recognize them.
As Jericho fans might say, "Nuts!"
(So it's API time for us. Local IPTC Keyword tagging ain't gonna do it. Feh.)