red sky in texas

I tried to do some post on this one.. but it just seemed better the way it came off the camera.. any thoughts on this one? anything to do post (be kind with the ackronyms.. i'm a rook) C&C always welcome.

Love them acronyms.
I'd say the camera did good for you.
Very nice color to the out of focus (OOF) background. Sometimes
referred to as BOKEH. A Japanese word that refers to the soft quality of the
OOF area to enhance the overall item being photographed. Its a creative use
of depth of field (DOF) thing. Info at the link speaks to this also.
Nice sharp silhouetted foreground of tree branches.
So I don't see much post processing (PP) to do other than to maybe
try and clone out the very distracting OOF power lines. Perhaps cropping
out the heavy upper powerlines and just above the house roof top at
bottom frame will save you some cloning and leave you with enough
photograph that you can still be pleased with it.
A last suggestion that saves your viewers a lot of time is to try and post
your images at a resolution size of 800 pixels wide & 600 pixels tall. In doing
so the image will fit on screen all at once and we won't have to scroll all
around the image trying to see what your trying to show.
If your right mouse click your image and go to properties you will see
how large your image is.
Hope this helps. Its my 2 cents and I'm sticking to it.
Hi 00SS this shot is beautifully rich in colour .
I'm agreeing with DaddyO 's comments on your shot.
The distraction is the powerlines, it's lovely and sharp,
I gotta comment about the wonderful colours again, I love them
Well Done
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin