New Kittens - Everyone Say "Oooohhh"

Baby kittens are so hard to resist, at least for most of us. As many of you know, we lost our beloved 14-year-old "Titch" to neighbor pit bulls back in February. We finally decided it was time to venture into new kitten land, so here they are.
Making their debut are "Wicket" and her yet unnamed adopted sister. Both females, same age, different litters.
I'm taking ideas for names, so feel free to offer one up. I'm leaning towards "Daisy" because it's my favorite flower, but it may be a bit too feminine for my taste. Generally, our pets have British names so I'm still pondering some of those also.
1. Unnamed Kitten

2. Wicket

3. Wicket - my husband holding her
Making their debut are "Wicket" and her yet unnamed adopted sister. Both females, same age, different litters.
I'm taking ideas for names, so feel free to offer one up. I'm leaning towards "Daisy" because it's my favorite flower, but it may be a bit too feminine for my taste. Generally, our pets have British names so I'm still pondering some of those also.
1. Unnamed Kitten

2. Wicket

3. Wicket - my husband holding her

Unnamed Kitten = UK
Llywellyn - I suggested "Cricket" but my husband vetoed. I also suggested "Sticky" for "sticky wicket" but he didn't like that one either.
I have settled on "Abbey" because Fountains Abbey is my favorite place in the whole of the UK!
Lauren Blackwell
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
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If we don't know what could be improved or could have been done differently, we'll never know how to get better at what we're doing.
I had a friend in college with a cat named Fnulnu, pronounced "fuh-new-luh-new." Her dad worked for the DEA and it stands for "first name unknown, last name unknown" like a John Doe.
I like the T. S. Eliot direction; there's Rumpleteaser, Skimbleshanks, and my favorite, Pouncival.
I'm glad you're able to take that next step!
Can't wait to see more pictures.
How cute are these babies
Naming pets for me was not easy either.
The one I have now whom I affectionately call Miss Kitty is a real little princess, I call her lots of names, she actually answers to anthing
What I love about owning Miss Kitty is that she needs me and I need her.
May you and your family have years and years of joy owning these two new kittens... wishing you all the Best
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Everyone - thanks for all the suggested names. I told the kitten I would call her "Abbey" and she didn't object, so I guess she thinks it's ok.
It's been a long time since I have laughed so hard . . . these little fur balls look like tv wrestlers the way they pounce and roll. They do more somersaults than the Olympic team!
I'll post more pics later today. . . when I stop laughing.
Lauren Blackwell
You could always go for the 'cockney' favourite - cooking fat. . . . think about it lol.
Congrats on the new family
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