Fireside relaxation
Playing around with some long exposures and using my flash off camera fired by hand.
These were both taken with 6 second exposures. f/10 ISO 100 I liked the effect with the flash. What do you think?
This one was f/7.1 I love the sparks that are above the fire in this one.
These were both taken with 6 second exposures. f/10 ISO 100 I liked the effect with the flash. What do you think?
This one was f/7.1 I love the sparks that are above the fire in this one.
Next time put a dark orange gel (at least 1/2 CTO, most likely 3/4CTO or even full CTO) onto your flash so you don't miss the warm color of the fire...
I would also put the flash right behind the fire, so the camera wouldn't see it, thus creating a very solid impression that it's the open fire that is the primary light source.. (watch for melting plastic though - you may wanna shield the flash from the fire with a metal lid or something non-thermal-conductive:-)
I like how the fire looks in the pictures.