Problems with uploading

SquirtSquirt Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
edited April 17, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I just joined SmugMug as a pro user this week (scary step!) and am having problems uploading pics to my galleries. The most I've ever tried is 25-30 but last night I only tried two and couldn't get it to work. It kept freezing up, telling me I wasn't connected to the internet, etc. I tried three times and finally gave up. I then went to my account and noticed the gallery was made afterall and one of the two pictures was uploaded but appeared three times! I had to go in and erase the extra two but still don't have the other one I was trying to upload.

I use the "send to smugmug" in PSE6. Is there a way around this or a more efficient way to send photos? This has been pretty frustrating for my first week. :bash


  • PhyxiusPhyxius Registered Users Posts: 1,396 Major grins
    edited April 16, 2009
    Sorry to hear that you're having some troubles. Can you post a link to your smugmug site?

    Edit -
    I didn't realize that there was a seperate option in PS. I use the version linked below made by Omar.

    I usually use Send To Smugmug myself. Make sure you have the newest version downloaded -

    I've never used it to send from Photoshop, I always use it as a standalone uploader. To use Send to Smugmug on it's own I usually explore to get to the gallery and then right click and choose "send to smugmug". Are you able to upload using any of the other uploaders? I generally upload medium to large batches of photos with Send to Smugmug ~25-75 images. If I'm uploading lots of galleries I'll use Star*Explorer. Small batches/video I use Ole Faithful. Drag and Drop is still around under the retired uploaders and it's a favorite of mine too.
    Christina Dale
    SmugMug Support Specialist -
    Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
  • PhyxiusPhyxius Registered Users Posts: 1,396 Major grins
    edited April 16, 2009
    I just checked help -

    And it also mentions to make sure you're set to be in the US. Go to Preferences and make sure your location says US.

    Here's a few other things that could have caused your problem -

    And don't forget that you can always e-mail the help desk at
    Christina Dale
    SmugMug Support Specialist -
    Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 16, 2009
    Hi Charrie, uploading from PSE6 won't be our fastest or most robust.

    Use our Simple Uploader, it works great, or as Phyxius said, try Send To SmugMug....

    If your problems persist, we have the ability to diagnose your connection, write our heroes with all the details and we'll sort you out, no worries!
  • SquirtSquirt Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited April 16, 2009
    Okay, I can't get the simple uploader to load. I've read the help section on basics for using it where it says to go to "add photos" and at the bottom there should be a place to click "choose a different uploader" but mine doesn't show anything but all my gallery names. What to do now?
  • Smug EricSmug Eric Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 333
    edited April 16, 2009
    Squirt wrote:
    Okay, I can't get the simple uploader to load. I've read the help section on basics for using it where it says to go to "add photos" and at the bottom there should be a place to click "choose a different uploader" but mine doesn't show anything but all my gallery names. What to do now?

    Hey Charrie is this the menu you are looking at after you select add photos?
    You will have to select one of the galleries to upload to.
    Once you have done that it will give you the option to change your uploader.
    Around this general area :D

    Unless I am just reading entirely wrong, which could be the case.
    Support Hero and Customeister
  • SquirtSquirt Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited April 17, 2009
    Thanks Eric, that surely helped, but after I went into my control panel, I discovered it didn't have internet explorer checked as a trusted site (weird?) so once I did that, they're uploading fine now.

    More questions to come...:D
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