He's Baaaack.

I have just a few questions. First I want to start off by saying that yesterday I received my package of sample photos that I bought from my site. I wanted to buy them to see what the customer would be receiving, and WOW, are they great!!! I chose EZPrints to process my photos. They all look real nice.
First question: I am going to look further into this after I send this post out, but I was wondering how I go about choosing Bay Photo to do my processing for an order. I did up a mock order and looked for the option to choose one of the companies, but didn't see it. Like I said, I will look a little closer in a little while, but if anybody knows that answer before I can get to it, I'd appreciate it.
Second question: When I am in the "Owner View" and click the buy button for a particular photo, it takes me to the order form, and the prices are at the default prices I believe. Very reasonable and inexpensive. If I wanted to buy more of my photos and have them printed and shipped to me, is that something I can do whenever I want to, or is it something that should only be done in the beginning of your SmugMug days, when you are testing the whole process out? You know what I mean? Would it be frowned upon if I utilized the SmugMug professionals to do all the printing and shipping of photos, for my personal enjoyment, reaping the benefits of the inexpensive costs afforded me, as a member? I don't want to do it alot if it appears like I'm trying to take advantage of this great service at a low cost.
Third question: I know that when I get an e-mail telling me of an order, I go into my "Shark-ives" area, (CD, DVD, Hard Drive, etc) to edit the photo being sold, and then replace and ship it in the sales area. My question is, if I was buying one on my own, when it is put in the shopping cart, it still has my watermark on it. Say I am choosing to go with Bay Photo and their color correcting, I would then only crop the photo. If I then hit print and ship, will the watermark be on the print? I know this sounds like a no brainer. I'm thinking I would like to order some of my photos for me, if it's OK, and I just want to be sure.
I do have one more question, but I can't remember what it was right now. If it comes back to me during the day, I'll come back on and ask.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
First question: I am going to look further into this after I send this post out, but I was wondering how I go about choosing Bay Photo to do my processing for an order. I did up a mock order and looked for the option to choose one of the companies, but didn't see it. Like I said, I will look a little closer in a little while, but if anybody knows that answer before I can get to it, I'd appreciate it.
Second question: When I am in the "Owner View" and click the buy button for a particular photo, it takes me to the order form, and the prices are at the default prices I believe. Very reasonable and inexpensive. If I wanted to buy more of my photos and have them printed and shipped to me, is that something I can do whenever I want to, or is it something that should only be done in the beginning of your SmugMug days, when you are testing the whole process out? You know what I mean? Would it be frowned upon if I utilized the SmugMug professionals to do all the printing and shipping of photos, for my personal enjoyment, reaping the benefits of the inexpensive costs afforded me, as a member? I don't want to do it alot if it appears like I'm trying to take advantage of this great service at a low cost.
Third question: I know that when I get an e-mail telling me of an order, I go into my "Shark-ives" area, (CD, DVD, Hard Drive, etc) to edit the photo being sold, and then replace and ship it in the sales area. My question is, if I was buying one on my own, when it is put in the shopping cart, it still has my watermark on it. Say I am choosing to go with Bay Photo and their color correcting, I would then only crop the photo. If I then hit print and ship, will the watermark be on the print? I know this sounds like a no brainer. I'm thinking I would like to order some of my photos for me, if it's OK, and I just want to be sure.
I do have one more question, but I can't remember what it was right now. If it comes back to me during the day, I'll come back on and ask.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
Hello Shark! Keep asking questions, that is what all of us are here for!
The toggle to choose print labs is on the page where you set your prices. Open the pricing page, and near the top of the prints tab you will see the logos of both labs. Click Bay, and prints from that gallery will be printed by Bay.
Um, any SmugMug account holder gets to buy their own photos at those great prices. You wouldn't want to pay retail for your own work, would you? You aren't taking advantage, Shark, those are the prices that we all pay for high quality prints from our SmugMug accounts!
So, Shark, do you add your watermark in post processing before you upload it? This will print on the photo unless you crop it off.
Or is it a SmugMug custom watermark? These do not prints (see the watermark help page - make sure you are not displaying original photo sizes)
When you think of it, ask!
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Ansel Adams
That's awesome!!
My watermarks aren't put on outside of the SmugMug website. The watermark is in my customization area, and when I want to add the watermark, I click yes while I'm constructing the gallery, so the photos are being uploaded to my site with the watermark added too. I did originally make the watermark outside of SmugMug though, then added it to the Watermark area, along with the SmugMug watermark. Does that make sense?
I will look closer at the watermark help page.
Thanks for your help Ann.
Ansel Adams
Welcome back
Yup, you have to set prices for each lab (EZ Prints and Bay Photo) seperately. As I said in the other thread I'd set the portfolio prices for each first. Then, any time you upload a new gallery it's automatically priced with the portfolio pricing until you go in and change it, this way you don't get any accidental "at cost" sales.
Also, in regards to your other question when you're buying your own photos at cost (not $.01 over) and IF you have proof delay set you'll not get a "ship it" button. So, you should either turn off the proof delay before you order and then turn it back on after you order or shoot a message to the wonderful help desk people ask them to hit the "ship it" button on your order for you. Don't forget to include the order number that gets e-mailed to you. And, when you purchase at cost (not $.01 over) you'll not get the chance to recrop or replace your photos, so make sure they're as you want them before you finish your order.
Slightly off subject, how'd you like the metallic prints you got?
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Yes, you made your watermark, uploaded it and made it into a watermark which you then add to the photos AFTER you've uploaded them to smugmug, right?
If yes, all is good! Watermarks added after the photos are uploaded to smugmug do not print since smugmug prints from your originals and originals are never watermarked. Also, digital downloads (which your customer purchases if you allow it) are not watermarked either.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I made my portfolio prices already. I was wondering if I would be able to make a pricelist for all three, and just be able to have them all accessible for when I need them, but I hadn't really checked into that yet.
I did the mock purchase today, but I didn't notice that there wasn't a "ship it" button. I did it only to see if I could crop, and I was able to crop the photo. I noticed the watermark though, and that me wonder if that would print on my photo. If I were to use Bay Photo, and have them collor correct my photo, there would be no reason for me to do anything to the photo except crop, right? And I believe I had that option when I tried it earlier. I'm going to have to go back in and look at it more closely.
The metallic photos are pretty cool. That's probably the kind that I would like to get when I order from now on. All the photos looked great.
Ansel Adams
I made my watermark outside of SmugMug, then transferred it into my customization area. I don't add them after the photos are uploaded, the watermarks get added to the photos while everything is being uploaded. How does that sound?
Ansel Adams
Same thing, you're good to go! That watermark will not print.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
When you're ordering them you can crop, and yes from Bay Photo I'd leave color correct to them and only fix crop.
What I meant about not being able to to crop is that if you purchase the photos while logged in, at cost the sale will not show up in your pro sales detail, so you can't go back in and replace the photo or change a crop after you purchase. It just removes one step.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Great, I think I'll be doing some more ordering.
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
So, if I understand this correctly you can get to the portfolio pricing and you can type in new prices, but they don't save?
What happens when you click "save"?
Which browser are you using?
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
When I click "Save", it appears as though it's saving them all, but when I check it out, only the original portfolio prices are still there.
When you ask which browser, I'm not sure what you mean. What's running my computer? I have Windows XP on this computer. Is that considerd the browser?
Ansel Adams
Smugmug tends to reccomend firefox - http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ie.html
But, this is probably something that you'll have to take up with one of the more computer savvy posters or the smugmug help desk. Sorry!
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I just thought of something else...
You've mentioned before making changes to your smugmug while at work and at home. When you first set the portfolio prices were you at home? And, now that you're changing them are you at home or work? It could be some sort of security/spam/filtering software or browser security settings on your computer.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I am using Internet Explorer to view the Internet.
I see what I was doing wrong with trying to add the extra prices before. I adjusted a little, and now the Portfolio pricing has been completed, but it isn't being applied to every gallery. Then I was thinking that I wanted to change to Bay Photo for all my game photos, and when I tried that, all hell broke loose. It's like I have a couple sets of prices throughout my site, but not quite the way I wanted them set up. WOW, this is freakin' confusing to me!!! Portfolio pricing, Gallery pricing, Image pricing, I'm feeling loopy. I know to some people this is probably a walk through the park, but I'm finding it confusing.
If I can figure out how to set up pricing for Portfolio, Gallery, and Image, with both EZPrints and Bay Photo, that would be cool if it can be done. If I can easily change a gallery from Bay Photo to EZPrints with a couple clicks, or if I can make up some galleries with one set of pricing, and other galleries with another set of pricing, and switch around if needed with no trouble, that would be great.
I feel like the village idiot.
Ansel Adams
I believe that is what I was doing. I'd do one thing at home, and then try to modify it at work. Also, one of my computers at home was giving me some trouble with a virus, so I started doing all my work on another computer while the main computer is being formatted. So who knows if that is playing a role in this.
Ansel Adams
~Get into your pro pricing by going into a gallery, then Tools -> This Gallery -> Set Prices.
~Click on "Portfolio" near the top of the screen.
~Choose which lab you want to set prices for. Whichever lab you choose will be colored and the other is gray. Be sure to save one lab's prices before trying to edit the other's. In the picture below a green arrow points to the lab buttons you need to click to choose the lab.
~To the right of the labs you'll see a check box with the text "Color correct all images before printing". If you check this you're photos will be color corrected by the lab. EZprint's color correction is automated and free while Bayphoto's color correction is by hand and increase the "at cost" price of the prints.
~You'll want to fill in all squares with something, unless you plan to offer "at cost" prints. Put your mark up in the prices list or input 0 to make the object invisible to your customer.
~Don't forget to click on Merchandise and Downloads to fill in prices for them too!
~Always save prices!
If you want to set prices for just one gallery you can choose the "gallery" option at the top of the page.
~Choose which print lab you want to use (green arrow in the picture). Remember that any prices you put here will override the portfolio prices. In my example you'll see the "default" price for a 4x6 lustre print from ezprints is $.21, my portfolio price is $10.00 but my set price in this gallery is $9.00.
~If you've set a gallery price before and you'd like to copy that price list to this new gallery you can click on the expand tab for "Apply this Pricing" (red arrow) and choose the other gallery and then choose "To These Products", choose which product groups and click apply.
~Click save pricing.
Bulk Galleries
~Once you've set the price for at least one gallery you can then apply that pricing to multiple other galleries by using the bulk tool which is accessible by clicking on "Galleries" at the top of the screen. (Green arrow)
This opens an expandable list of all of your galleries. You'll see an Apply This Pricing box with a pull down tab and to the right of that a button that says "select all" and the number of galleries you've selected to edit.
~Click on the arrow to the left of each cateogory to open the subcategories and/or galleries to choose which galleries you want to select.
Once you've clicked on the galleries that you want to add/change pricing for use the Apply This Pricing drop down tab to choose which gallery you'd like to grab pricing from.
~Once you've applied the pricing click "save".
~You can set prices per image too. Make sure you've selected the image from inside the gallery and then follow the Tools -> This Gallery -> Set Prices and then at the top of the screen click "Image".
~You'll see the name of the print lab that you assigned at the gallery level. (green arrow).
~Now, any prices you set or copy will apply only to this one image. you can see the different prices you've set and you'll notice in my sample that I did not price the gallery,(blue arrow) so it's set at my portfolio price for BayPhoto. If I set a price here it will over ride before the gallery and the portfolio pricing.
~You can still use the "apply this pricing" button.
~Don't forget the merchandise and downloads. (red arrow)
~Click save!
Is that any better or still clear as mud? Here's Smugmug help on pro pricing - http://www.smugmug.com/help/print-pricing
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Right now, I am beat. Need to get some zzzzzzz's. I guess I'll try to attack it tomorrow, although I'm not too confident that it will all fall into place. This is the third or fourth day I've been working on the pricing.
Gotta go, I hear a pillow calling my name.
Good night.
(sleepy) Shark
Ansel Adams
Alright, we're going to start from the beginning. No skipping ahead.
1. Pick a gallery that you want to set the prices for, that you're going to use as your original...think outbreak monkey.
2. Once in that gallery click Tools -> This Gallery -> Set Prices
3. This opens the set prices screen for a single gallery. Choose which lab you want to use.
4. Set prices for everything.
5. Click Save, this returns you to the gallery screen.
6. Go back to the pricing screen by clicking on Tools -> This Gallery -> Set Prices
7. Click on "Galleries" at the top of the screen to open the bulk tool.
8. Click Select All (green arrow)
9. Click Apply This Pricing (red arrow) to expand the menu.
10. Choose the gallery you priced as your original (outbreak monkey) (blue arrow)
11. Click Save (yellow arrow)
12. Wait for the galleries to price.
13. Go in and check individual galleries, but all should now be priced with the lab you choose for the prices you set.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Now I've got the prices set in the galleries of the games that I take photos at on a regular basis. The rest of my galleries I think I'm going to go with EZPrints processing, and different prices. I will actually have more galleries priced that way than the ones I just did. I'm hoping I can take what you showed me here, and apply it to pricing the remainder of my galleries. Wish me luck.
Thank you once again for your help. I don't know how you are able to stay so patient with people like me, but I'm sure I speak for many new SmugMuggers when I say thank you.
Ansel Adams