Right wing radicals
I attended the San Jose CA Tea Party on 4-15-09, and wanted to share a few photos with you. They really looked like a very dangerous group.
This is Melany Morgan a well known Conservative talk show personality.
This is Melany Morgan a well known Conservative talk show personality.
Haha... that statement cracked me up for some reason. That was a full belly laugh you got out of me.
Great photos, Sam... Scary looking bunch.
I went to the Boston Tea Party, and though I have to disclose that I don't agree with the ideas behind these demonstrations, I was surprised by how good natured the event was. People are angry about paying taxes, but not really angry at other people. This might be a reflection of the organizer, Michael Graham, a local talk show host, who is sort of in the P. J. O'Rourke mold, frankly an entertainer first.
As per the photos in the thread goes the first was good, but from a PJ standpoint I don't feel I got a good sense of the total event. And that is what you want to get, a sense of the story of the day. The other thread with the black-and-white conversions and selective color was a good story telling job by contrast.
A former sports shooter
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mercphoto, I do have to agree with the comments in your first paragraph!
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