My favorite gull shot from Friday
OK, you'll all think I'm nuts, but I just had to chuckle when I saw this one. Yes it's blurred, but is it? No, the rail and almost one gull's foot are in sharp focus. This is natural motion blur! I knew these guys moved fast, but now I have proof. I could never reshoot this one! Rarely do the gulls get this close together, and take off at the exact same time. Yes, I've seen them all in a row standing still, and one or two will land or take off, and they seem to all take off at the same time in a group or flock, but I could never hope to repeat this shot.
I processed for curves, contrast mask (tried the shadow/highlight in PS, but I am never quite happy with it) and in doing so it really bumped up the colors and contrast. I thought it gave the shot more "energy" (sort of what cUrVe would do to his photos -- for those who remember from the good old STF days
: )
Well, here it is, hope some of you enjoy it.
I processed for curves, contrast mask (tried the shadow/highlight in PS, but I am never quite happy with it) and in doing so it really bumped up the colors and contrast. I thought it gave the shot more "energy" (sort of what cUrVe would do to his photos -- for those who remember from the good old STF days

Well, here it is, hope some of you enjoy it.
Of course, I am the one who loves blur. I think this belongs on top of the blur art in itself. As Andy said once, and I don't agree, but it is true here, "I just wish something were in focus".
Well, as you pointed out, here there are two things in focus. I love it. And so should all.
I had fun in post, too
Thank you for looking and for leaving a comment. I follow your bird shots quite closely. The day you posted your "down in the dumps" post, I was feeling exactly the same way, only you expressed it so much better. Glad to see your spirits have lifted a bit.
I didn't know you liked blur. And, now that you mention it, you're right, Andy loves blur too. I do think this is a bit of extreme blur, but I liked it enough to process it and share it!
I'm still trying to process my pics from my trip to NY, but the weather here has been gorgeous, and I know that dreaded summer fog pattern is going to invade my area making everything an ugly gray. I'll be driven to drive "over the hill" or to visit my daughter where it's sunnier, but unfortunately also too hot for me. So I relish days like this!
I was thinking it looked a bit like stuff I've seen on the web labeled "lomo"? While I did pump up the levels and curves, there was enough color in the out of the camera photo due to the lateness of the day to supply a good base.
Maybe I should set my shutter slow and get a helper to scare some gulls for me? Nah, too mean, I'll get the helper to throw some food,
I appreciate your comments!
Very interesting shot. It definitely shows how fast those suckers can flap their wings. You should try it again at faster and slower shutter speeds and see what results you get. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
what the fisherpeople (most don't speak English too well) would think of me with a tripod mounted camera pointed at gulls and throwing food at them!? Probably mutter crazy Americans under their breath!
Oh yes, and pull out the ND filter to be able to use the slower shutter speed on the 828 -- it's neat when they are on the rail because at least I have a starting point.
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You loved movement in still pics!
I'll try some more tomorrow when I have Ed to entice some action by throwing oyster crackers at the gulls!
They were flying right at me, it was hazy with salt in the air, I lifted the camera, aimed, tried to follow them, focus and click! But, they just weren't sharp. Not blurred enough to be "artsy fartsy" either! Later in the day I saw them in feeding frenzies on either side of the pier, but too far for me to get! Not that I didn't try
I shoot with two extenders a lot, that mean manual focus. I can't get a flyer with manual. The other day I took the 2 Xs off, and I practiced, but that is difficult, and right over your head, too.
nice try.