

ToshidoToshido Registered Users Posts: 759 Major grins
edited June 3, 2009 in Sports
First time out shooting skydiving yesterday. Overcast day for the most part and the sky divers had to land with the sun at their backs, so I was shooting into the sun for the landings. Made for a bit of a rough time. That plus I am not a skydiver so I was kinda guessing whee they would land....
Plus most of my skies are just kinda a dullish blah white. Was able to salvage the odd decent sky though when conditions allowed.

Anyways, LR is chugging away at most of them ATM but I got a couple teasers up.

This was the first time they had a helicopter and first time for virtually all the jumpers to jump from a helicopter.





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    tjk60tjk60 Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2009
    sorry, but I would never jump out of a perfectly good aircraft! rolleyes1.gif

    Looks like you had a fun day...
    Troy, MI

    D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more

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    ToshidoToshido Registered Users Posts: 759 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2009
    I was just taking pictures. Based on these though they are asking me to quote coverage for the Ontario provincials. just not sure how to quote it yet...
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    BCSPhotoguyBCSPhotoguy Registered Users Posts: 265 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2009
    From The Ground!!!
    Nikon D3 & D3s
    2xSB-900 Speedlights
    Tokina 12-24 f4, Nikon 50 f1.8, 28-70 f2.8,70-200 f2.8 VR, 1.7x TC , 200-400 f4 vrII
    ...more to come!
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