RSS: Hidden galleries being counted when using &ImageCount

This behaviour is not expected. I use a number of feeds of my galleries, limiting the number of galleries included in the feed using the &ImageCount=x parameter. However, at the moment, my most recently-updated galleries include two hidden ('unlisted') galleries. When I look at a feed like, only three galleries are included in the feed: evidently the two hidden galleries are being counted, when they certainly should not be!
The problem for me here is that I am using different permutations of feed URLs to bring my SmugMug galleries in to the main body of my site: when the wrong number of items are returned in the feed, it makes it look like my site is broken! I was easily able to work around this by increasing the &ImageCount and then just limiting the number of items displayed on my site using PHP but that seems like a slightly inefficient way to do things.
My SmugMug site is; my main site is
The problem for me here is that I am using different permutations of feed URLs to bring my SmugMug galleries in to the main body of my site: when the wrong number of items are returned in the feed, it makes it look like my site is broken! I was easily able to work around this by increasing the &ImageCount and then just limiting the number of items displayed on my site using PHP but that seems like a slightly inefficient way to do things.
My SmugMug site is; my main site is