Insurance (Ontario)

Curious about insurance in Ontario specifically.
I might be taking a serious move from amateur to professional with a steady source of income through photography, WOOHOO. Of course this means insurance, especially since I will be in the middle of a field with random fast moving people with limited control all around me. Which means I am concerned about someone colliding with me and damaging my equipment, or them on my equipment.
I am curious about cost of insurance and details about the available insurance plans?
Such as amount of liability insurance i should be looking at. Does insurance cover replacement costs for the equipment if damaged, stolen?
If insurance could be purchased just for a special event, like a weekend long plan.
And of course anything else that someone that has been through this can offer would be of great benefit.
I might be taking a serious move from amateur to professional with a steady source of income through photography, WOOHOO. Of course this means insurance, especially since I will be in the middle of a field with random fast moving people with limited control all around me. Which means I am concerned about someone colliding with me and damaging my equipment, or them on my equipment.
I am curious about cost of insurance and details about the available insurance plans?
Such as amount of liability insurance i should be looking at. Does insurance cover replacement costs for the equipment if damaged, stolen?
If insurance could be purchased just for a special event, like a weekend long plan.
And of course anything else that someone that has been through this can offer would be of great benefit.
abover in BOLD
every ? you asked has variable answers.....when I was working as a venu manager all the performance companies that rented our venues for their shows had to have a minium of 1 million US dollars in libility insurance and that usually ran a couple hundred for a 3 day performence run........
I'm in the process of doing the same thing here in New Brunswick.
Oh, and $1 million liability is the MINIMUM you should carry - no matter where you are.
Picadilly, NB, Canada