Egret Snack
So 1st ya gotta get it away from the maddening crowd

Ah alone at last

And with a single gulp snack time is history :eat :food

Ah alone at last

And with a single gulp snack time is history :eat :food

And fish are always good. I don't get those shots. I wonder if my birds eat. I do see them feeding the young, but I just don't get the fish shots. I think they are difficult to get.
While I am messing with the camera in some way, the bird does the "gulp" thing.
Just WHERE are you shooting these birds? I might have to take a trip south! :-)
Thanks G
Well were even I can't find no babies and you got no fish
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Another excellent series of shots. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
These birds were shot over at Ballona Welands, Marina Del Rey Calif.
It's hit and miss around there somedays can't shake a gull loose
And yes if ya head this way shoot me PM or email. I'd love to show this place and maybe a couple others. Maybe we could trade sometime cause I here your area (by coast
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Thanks Harry
Always look forward to your comments
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