Bird identification

These are not my shots. My daughter took them, but has asked for help in identifying the birds. They were taken in the backyard of her home in Jacksonville Beach, Florida.
I'm not much on bird identification, but they look like escaped finches to me; some caged birds that have escaped and are surviving in the "wild".
I'm not much on bird identification, but they look like escaped finches to me; some caged birds that have escaped and are surviving in the "wild".

Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
Ours here should be showing up soon and I can't wait to see one!!
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That fits, according to my "Birds of Florida" book. This is the time of year they migrate back to the Carolinas. They seem to choose the tax season to do so according to
I've never seen one myself. The lower bird on the left seems to be the female according to the book. Fits the picture in the book.
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