Direct Marketing

How do you all handle your direct marketing campaigns? Do you send letters, postcards, or email?
Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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Commercial Photographer
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I don't. I simply don't direct-market cold. People find me, either through referrals, google, friend-of-friend-of-friend, talking to them ("Oh, your engaged - well, I happen to be a wedding photographer...") etc.
It's done me good enough. I was lucky enough to get started with 4-5 from word-of-mouth that all went good enough to get a small referral base going.
Here is a wedding website I created for a customer as a value-add. Comments appreciated.
Founding member of The Professional Photography Forum as well.
I'm glad to see you have had great success with word of mouth. I have been doing that lately as well, but I haven't hit the right people yet. At least I know now that word of mouth will work sooner or later.
Thanks for the advise.
Commercial Photographer
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To get projects from multinationals and large organizations i think Letter followed by phone call to appropriate department is great. Emails can be considered as spam
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Here is a wedding website I created for a customer as a value-add. Comments appreciated.
Founding member of The Professional Photography Forum as well.
For myself?
There is nothing better that works for me when contacting art consultants and designers than a phone call.
I guess it is my southern accent!
In addition, I was going to contact the local Buy here Pay here dealers to take photos for their advertising. That is a turnover business since they are constatnly selling and buying new cars.
Commercial Photographer
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I think this would be best done in person by setting an appointment with the general manager or owner, and present a portfolio of your finest work. In the case of promotional photography you need to sell yourself and why having you shoot the photo is better than an employee with a point-and-shoot camera.
I would also go ahead and create the promotional materials (postcards, flyers, etc.) and give them to the manager/owner at the end of the meeting as a tool to remember you when the meeting is over. If you create the material and just drop it off (or mail it) and don’t meet with the potential client; then they are just going to trash it.
This is going to take some personal one-on-one selling from you to the potential client. Essentially is a business to business service you are selling; so it needs to be done in person.
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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