It is HOT!

It's officially we went fishing.

The Lake and the Desert:

Going up toward the river we see a few birds:

We got into some bees, I get stung and we get out of there; back on the lake. I'm in pain so I lay down in the boat. Interesting perspective from here:

Finally, he gets to fish:

Peace -

~AnnaMaria~ My little life in God's big universe
I'm curious about the purple color casts as well.
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Thank you. No filter on the camera.
Is it too purple?
Thanks much!
Thank you for the comments. I did see the dirt spots right after I uploaded the photo and have cleaned them up. It does not take long for me to get dirt in the camera in the deserts being so arid here! I wish they were UFO's; it would be less hassle!
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I have had some color cast problems like you have, mostly in the shadows.. It seems you are having the same problem.... Go to this site, it may explain the cause...
According to the article RGB channels are independent and when one is clipping the others are still recording just fine, causing the problem...
I am going to return my camera to default settings and use my computer to get the saturation I want.... azzaro
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Thanks AZZ. I will plan to read this.
But...but where's all the fish???
Looks a beautiful location, I loved fishing when we were kids.
Hmmmm the last time I went out in a boat was with my younger brother,
I got seasick and the fish got to eat my lunch, but not before I ate it first, they got to eat it the second time around :puke
.... waste of a good sandwhich I tell you
Sorry to hear you got stung, picked a really nice place to go fishing.
Thanks for sharing...
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Glad you have some water to get away from the heat. We're having summer temps this week also, but all our rivers are nearly dried up and the lakes are way down.
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks for the comments. The last one summed up the day nicely.
I'm not following you here. Are you saying that you don't see a purple cast to these images? Or have you processed them to bring out the purple cast?
Jeff Meyers
I saw a very slight purple cast. So, I took off the profile for the calibration. The picture then had a blue cast. I put the profile back on and it was then that I saw the difference; a slight purple cast. I did not pp the purple cast on to the picture. Since I am not seeing very much of a purple cast I am wondering if it looks too purple on other monitors. On mine, it does not look overly purple.
1,2,4 and 5 clearly have a purple/violet cast on my calibrated monitor. I still like the images, but they do have a cast.:D
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Yeah, I like the images, too. That's why the purple/violet casts concerns me. It's very noticeable on my calibrated monitor. Very.
Jeff Meyers
Hmmm...I got a Vista machine about two months ago. I had to download the Spyder2 driver for the 64 bit Vista. After that I noticed that the pictures were looking different, mostly with a bluish cast but they looked ok when I pulled it up thru NX. I have re calibrated several times. Well, something else I gotta check.... thanks much!!!!!!
I appreciate your comments; thank you!