Changing Color of Gallery Description

LawrenceLanderLawrenceLander Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
edited May 4, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I know it sounds basic, but for some reason I can't change the color of the gallery description. Do I want to mess with html or css? My rudimentary knowledge of both hasn't gotten me far. The page I'm really trying to change is

I've been lurking on dgrin for years to help keep my site how I want it - what a great community. I figured it was time to actually post something up (wish it was a little more exciting).



  • Thunder RabbitThunder Rabbit Registered Users Posts: 172 Major grins
    edited April 21, 2009

    Try this in your CSS:

    .gallery_XXXXXXX .caption {
    color: #YYYYYY;

    Substitute your gallery number for the X's. You can get it from the url on your browser.

    Of course, Y is the color.

    Thunder Rabbit GRFX
  • LawrenceLanderLawrenceLander Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited May 4, 2009
    I tried that css and it didn't seem to change anything. I'm trying to change the color of the description text when it is viewed at (I'm not sure I was clear or not). Ideally, I'd like someone to type in that url and see the two galleries (wedding photography, guestbook) with white titles and descriptions. Another plue would be to remove the underline on those galleries, as well.

    Lawrence Lander
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2009
    Try adding this CSS:

    #category .albumTitle a.nav, #category .boxBottom p.description {color:#FFFFFF;}
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • LawrenceLanderLawrenceLander Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited May 4, 2009
    Worked like a charm. Thanks!

    My last request would be the css to remove the underline from galleries (site-wide would be fine).
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2009
    Worked like a charm. Thanks!

    My last request would be the css to remove the underline from galleries (site-wide would be fine).

    .miniBox a.nav {text-decoration:none !important;}
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • LawrenceLanderLawrenceLander Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited May 4, 2009
    That code does the trick, but now that I see it I'd love to apply it just to the weddings galleries, if that is possible.

  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2009
    That code does the trick, but now that I see it I'd love to apply it just to the weddings galleries, if that is possible.


    .category_Weddings .miniBox a.nav {text-decoration:none !important;}

    FYI, you can't include screen shots to images on your own local hard disk without first uploading the image somewhere on the internet. The screenshot you thought you put in your last post isn't readable by us because it refers to an image on your hard disk, not on the internet somewhere.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • LawrenceLanderLawrenceLander Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited May 4, 2009
    John - thanks for the quick reply, works like a charm.

    I'm not sure why I pasted that code in there - I suppose I got mixed up with what program I was doing when or something. I'm working on some design work right now and my multi-tasking abilities pale in comparison to this computer's.

    Thanks again!
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