They Used to Live There: A Study of the Park Ave Row Houses

I don't know exactly when Park's Ave Apartments & Rooms were built but I understand from my parents that they think that they were there in the '30s. About 20-years ago, Virginia Beach began a revitalization program for the oceanfront after tourism dropped due to the decline in property maintenance. The Park Avenue row houses became a rundown, poverty ridden spot situated between a new modern-design convention center, new firehouse, and several upscale restaurants. In some of the photos you will see that they are backed by new bank buildings.
I thought the apartments would have been destroyed years ago but it wasn't until this past weekend that I noticed that they had been foreclosed and boarded up. There is little history to be found on them scouring the net, but I plan on finding out a bit more. I'd love to know the stories of the people that passed through there.
The gray, blustery day was well suited for the subject. Here are some of the images. C&C welcomed as usual....






Thanks for looking.
I thought the apartments would have been destroyed years ago but it wasn't until this past weekend that I noticed that they had been foreclosed and boarded up. There is little history to be found on them scouring the net, but I plan on finding out a bit more. I'd love to know the stories of the people that passed through there.
The gray, blustery day was well suited for the subject. Here are some of the images. C&C welcomed as usual....






Thanks for looking.
Doesn't seem to matter how run down a place gets, people still have to have satelite TV for some reason
That's a rather nice frame you've used on these images, I like your HDR's.
..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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