More Seahorses at Monterey Bay Aquarium
Thanks to aktse and dadwtwins, whose recent threads (here and here) on the new seahorse exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium motivated me to get off my comfy couch and visit the exhibit. Seahorses are tough to photograph as many of them are kept in dome tanks with thick glass that distort these little creatures. Some of them had so much distortion that I couldn't get a small seahorse in focus in entirety through the viewfinder. Stepping away from the tank probably would help but with people behind me waiting to get closer to the tank, that wasn't going to happen. I simply moved on. I do have a few shots, though.

2. Head-on collision: These two were going fast and collided. It was a blast watching them trying to untangle themselves.





The weedy and leafy sea dragons are easier to photograph because they are kept in a big tank with a flat glass panel. Moreover, they float around and slowly move all over the tank.
7. Weedy

8. Leafy

9. Leafy

10. Leafy

11. Lastly, anemone

Thanks to aktse for her advices on how to capture these beautiful creatures.

2. Head-on collision: These two were going fast and collided. It was a blast watching them trying to untangle themselves.





The weedy and leafy sea dragons are easier to photograph because they are kept in a big tank with a flat glass panel. Moreover, they float around and slowly move all over the tank.
7. Weedy

8. Leafy

9. Leafy

10. Leafy

11. Lastly, anemone

Thanks to aktse for her advices on how to capture these beautiful creatures.
And I think you did quite well! The glass really makes focusing incredibility difficult
These were my favorite of the bunch! I think considering the conditions, you did an excellent job!
And I found that I had the easiest time with the leafy/weedy sea dragons!
April, thanks for passing along dadwtwins' advice.
[Yashica Lynx 14E | Canon 30D | Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 | 540ez | Cactus V4s]
All Who Wander Are Not Lost
I personally like #2 the most.
My Photo Blog -->
dadwtwins, thank you for your wisdom -- I benefited second hand from April.
with the number of visitors that the MBA attracts.
Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery
Did you use a ND filter?
Take Care,
Aperture Focus Photography
Thanks. No ND filter. It was already too dark without the filter.