Some from the last 2 weekends
I did a little fishing last weekend, which means I drove the back roads looking
for wild life. Didn't find much. Here are a few of the better ones.
From the car window with a Tamron 18-200. (all others with Sigma 80-400)

Bobolink (yes I had to look it up)
The top of his head should be yellow. I must have blown it out.

Trumpeter Swans with 5 (3 in view) young
According to the focus window, they were about 230 feet away.
This is a 100% or pixel to pixel crop.

Early morning Loons (from in the boat)

So lately, I've been thinking that my Sigma 80-400 wasn't as sharp as it
should be. So today I tried it with a monopod. I think for the most part,
I got more pics that were in focus with less motion blur.
1/180s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200

Through a window.
1/90s f/8.0 at 281.0mm iso200

The hawk is at the top of a 100 foot tree. I'm backed up about 200 feet
to be able to see him. What I'm saying is that I was a long ways away.
I blurred the pine needles. It didn't look right with them all in focus.
1/350s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200

As always, thanks for looking.
for wild life. Didn't find much. Here are a few of the better ones.
From the car window with a Tamron 18-200. (all others with Sigma 80-400)

Bobolink (yes I had to look it up)
The top of his head should be yellow. I must have blown it out.

Trumpeter Swans with 5 (3 in view) young
According to the focus window, they were about 230 feet away.
This is a 100% or pixel to pixel crop.

Early morning Loons (from in the boat)

So lately, I've been thinking that my Sigma 80-400 wasn't as sharp as it
should be. So today I tried it with a monopod. I think for the most part,
I got more pics that were in focus with less motion blur.
1/180s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200

Through a window.
1/90s f/8.0 at 281.0mm iso200

The hawk is at the top of a 100 foot tree. I'm backed up about 200 feet
to be able to see him. What I'm saying is that I was a long ways away.
I blurred the pine needles. It didn't look right with them all in focus.
1/350s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200

As always, thanks for looking.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
especially like
deer, loons, hawk
Catch any fish
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just say he went to bed with no dinner.
I caught the largest, a 4 pound northern. The rest were pretty small.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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Cincinnati Smug Leader
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.