Immediate help need regarding image for a memorial

I was contacted by a company that manufactures granite memorials. They are interested in one of my photos posted in a gallery on smugmug. They want to "sandblast" one of my images into a granite memorial. They are asking me this question?
Would this photo need to be purchased or is this a public domain photo? Would an
electronic image in tiff or jpg, high dpi of 300 to 1200 ?, be available
that we could reproduce in granite.
If I dont have the original image, but its in my smugmug gallery how do I know how to answer this question ( especially the part about the granite )? How do I know if my image the way it exists online is high dpi of 300-1200?
Would this photo need to be purchased or is this a public domain photo? Would an
electronic image in tiff or jpg, high dpi of 300 to 1200 ?, be available
that we could reproduce in granite.
If I dont have the original image, but its in my smugmug gallery how do I know how to answer this question ( especially the part about the granite )? How do I know if my image the way it exists online is high dpi of 300-1200?
As for the reproduction into the granite - that's their problem. It would appear, based on the little you were able to provide, that they have the technology to transfer a JPG or a TIF to granite.
My recommendation would be to respond back to them, telling them that it's your photo, that it's not in the public domain, that limited rights can be purchased for $____ (insert your price here), and include the dimensions of the photo in pixels. Then, let them determine for themselves if the photo and terms meet their needs. I really think that's the best you can do until they come back to you with additional questions.
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
On the price - IMO, much depends on how they want to use the image - is it single use (for one stone only) or do they wish to use the image repeatedly? That's a very important difference in how you price something. Are they going to use it in advertising? Also be VERY clear in your contract with them how the image is to be used (and how it is to NOT be used). Make sure you retain the copyright of the image.
Thanx Scott and John
I took the image - So I guess I own it.
from the Photo Info Box it says
Photo Dimensions 2351 X 2038
File Size 932.73 KB
Does this info tell me anything?
Others can help more with pricing if you need it - but that's a very personal thing, already plenty of good general advice above.
They are only asking two questions
a) fee or free?
b) dpi of 300 or better (that's what's needed for the water jet settings to engrave marble)
You can open the original file in PS or any photo program and "save as" entering 300 dpi in the dialogue box, then upload or email that newly saved image to them
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Ask them what size (inches by inches) they want to make this engraving.....your image right now is more than likely set at your pixel dimensions at 72dpi....which is native to almost all unless you resized in PS when doing post on the image it should still be at 72dpi......
So download your original from SM and take back into PS and see what size it actually is.....cahnge the dpi to 300 and as Angelo said....SAVE AS or just clik OK.....if this image is close to the companies needs then I would download the trial version of Genuine Fractals and uprez the image to the needed size and look at it at 100% before saving if it looks good then save and sell to them.......hopefully they can give you credit somehow either in a brochure or on their website in addition to monetary rewards.....
Good Luck