SF Landmark - The Sentinel

I grabbed this hand held HDR while walking back to my car in SF. Read about it on my photo blog.
The Sentinel

C&C welcome and appreciated!
The Sentinel

C&C welcome and appreciated!
How many exposures did you use?
Lauren Blackwell
Does that describe some of what you feel in the imbalance in perspective?
My Photo Blog - www.anvilimage.com
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I'm interested to see what other folks write about it. Each time I look at it, I like it more!
Lauren Blackwell
Facebook Fan Page
ok... I tried to fix it and made the color difference more subtle and gradual. What do you think? Sorry, no before and after. I replaced the image on Smugmug because I didn't want it displayed in my gallery anymore.
My Photo Blog - www.anvilimage.com
My Smugmug Gallery
I saw this building last time I was in SF, which was in December. We were heading out of the city, going back to San Ramon when I spotted it. I was going to circle back to find a parking space to photograph it but it was rush hour. My wife voted against it since she was tired and I wanted to get out of the city while we actually could.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Lauren Blackwell
I think Lauren was referring to the leaning buildings on the left and behind right. I took the liberty to adjust it using CS3 Filter>Distort>Lens Correction... (Hope you don't mind).
This is a common problem with wide angle shots but not hard to fix (took about 3 minutes).
You can even zoom in on the subject (not crop) with this filter like this...
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)