Denver, CO recommendations??

I will be in Denver for several days (17-21 May) and would like any insider info on some locations that I should consider as potentially good from a photographic point of view, especially when thinking about urban photography.
I am planning on spending two days at the Great Sand Dunes NP and then once back in town for work, get out and about to try my hand at the urban sights and landscape.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks!!
I am planning on spending two days at the Great Sand Dunes NP and then once back in town for work, get out and about to try my hand at the urban sights and landscape.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks!!
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Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
There is a Holiday Inn next to the football stadium that has a round restaurant at the top that allows shooting opportunities into the stadium, the amusement park across the river, and an incredible skyline.
And the Airport is actually pretty cool looking.
Thanks everyone for some great local, Denver recommendations!
The venues were great and yes indeed, afforded some good photographic opportunities.
Also ended up heading south to the Great Sand Dune National Park and Preserve, stopped in at the Signs of the Cross Shrine in San Luis, Garden of the Gods in CO Springs, and spent a day in Rocky MT National Park.
Each venue provided great opportunities for photos and simply enjoying and appreciating nature and the local landscape.
Looking forward to a return visit.
Off on 22 May to the Middle East and some equally good photo opportunities.
Thanks again everyone for your suggestions and recommendations!
El Gato