Thought #1 for DSS#24

There are a few artists I'm wanting to emulate for this challenge. Two I have already known about (and I haven't any images to emulate them yet). One I discovered a few weeks ago when looking up landscapes and panoramas. The person is Guy Edwardes ( I'm really trying to get the style, and no specific photograph. Any and all opinions are welcome on the following two images. Both are panoramas. The first is a 4-shot vertical and the second is a 7-shot horizontal. Very little PP done, just some contrast and saturation.
This is the result of me waking up and going out at 6am this morning (dragging a girlfriend along). Did I get it?

This is the result of me waking up and going out at 6am this morning (dragging a girlfriend along). Did I get it?

- Joe
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
I think you did well at your attempt. This guy takes advantage of depth big time in his work... and I see how you went with that here..
The reflection does has depth to it..
here is my take...
I like the breadth and composition in #2 it has depth for sure the way the reflection is and the way the grass hill divides the photo.. I also like the sky better in #2 because it is not as blown out.
however, #1 dominates in the depth effect"on the water" because the water is smooth for the reflection really reaches out at you..
so if you could capture the smooth water of number 1 and the composition of #2, I think you would have it...
if you cannot re shoot, then I would personally go with #2 for overall success here..
Just my thoughts.. and best of luck..:ivar
I'll see what I can pull out and process when I get home from work, but it may just be #2 that gets entered.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
your welcome.. yeah number one has a lot going for it too, but I feel it is just cropped too tightly.. I guess see what others say when they chime in and go with your gut instinct... it just that #2 's composition is easier on the eyes.. if ya can post some of those others on here and perhaps we can vote on those comparatively.
I can't believe this.. I told myself I am getting an early start this time and I cant decide for the life of me, who I am going to emulate.. This one to me is tough..... I am thinking about Julien Busselle.. he did a window and fruit shot I really really admire..
Looks like I will be working on it all week.. Will post mine when I get it shot..:ivar
look forward to seeing your other too. Have fun with it..
Anyway, the other shots I have don't really fit the style I was trying to emulate. I did process them, however, so I'll post them in the Landscapes forum.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10