
Minor AAA Ball

jbr13jbr13 Registered Users Posts: 251 Major grins
edited April 28, 2009 in Sports
I made it to our Southern Maryland Blue Crabs first day game yesterday. Mid day sun and about 90 some degrees, but it was still fun shooting!







"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced... Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice"


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    johngjohng Registered Users Posts: 1,658 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2009
    Really like the last photo of the manager - reflection in the helmet, sun glint off the top. It just says "summer" (even if it aint summer yet :D ).

    First shot doesn't work well for me at all - the stands are empty and really don't get you enthused about the game. I realize, having a minor league team nearbye myself, that's just a fact of many minor league games. Just don't think it works as an interesting subject.

    You've got good timing on the swing and it's good sharpness but I would suggest try for plays in the field. Batting shots are much like serve shots in volleyball - usually boring. They're also not very challenging to yourself as a photographer. I mean, how many thousands of opportunities do you have per game to get a shot of a batter at the plate? I don't say this to be mean - just that after the 'coolness' factor of getting ball near bat there's little to recommend this type of shot as interesting. Much more challenging to try and get ball near glove in the field - AND you usually get the benefit of a face on the fielder. Even shots of pitchers are a little more interesting because there is expression.

    Now, occasionally batting shots can be cool - I've seen some broken bat shots that are really very good. And a shot of a hitter with great form and follow thru can be appreciated for that. Again, I think you did the shot well, I just personally don't think those types of shots are interesting (but I admit to taking them myself as well just to practice timing).
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    RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2009
    Hey Jason - I was there, too. We probably passed by each other a few times.

    That was indeed a hot day - we didn't stay for the whole game.

    I, too, like that shot of Butch. thumb.gif
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