IE 8 Compatibility???

SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
edited April 29, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I just posted this in the customization forum, but it may be better suited as a support issue???

It appears that I have to switch to the compatibility view in IE 8 for my web pages to function as they did in the past. I just started looking at this issue and so far it affects my subcategory 2x2 pages and the CSS page in the control panel.

Has Smugmug been tested with IE8 or is it just my website that's amiss? It's basically telling me that my website is designed to work with old browsers and not IE8 which is currently being automatically installed on all my customers computers.

Has anyone intalled IE 8? It doesn't seem to like working with Smugmug. It even does weird things when you try to modify the CSS. I just started playing with it so I don't know the full extent of all the "breaks". I know it messes up the 2x2 subcatagory page setup.

>>>>> UPDATE: In order to have the CSS page function as it did in the past, you have to click IE8's compatability button. It states that in the compatibility view "Websites designed for older browsers will often look better, and problems such as out-of-place menus, images, or text will be corrected." <<<<<
>>>>> Does this mean that Smugmug is not designed to work with IE8 which as we speak is being installed automatically on all my customers computers???? HELP!!! <<<<<

SunGlo Photography


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2009
    SunGlo wrote:
    Has Smugmug been tested with IE8
    We fully support IE6, IE7 and IE8 and FF3, Safari 2 & 3.

    Off to the customizing forum, will look there.
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