Smug Wallet - Iphone App



  • SillyGuySillyGuy Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited November 3, 2011
    i have 541 photos that will not sync.

    what gives??
  • mrjpicsmrjpics Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited March 12, 2012
    I just got the app and am wondering if there is a way to get my photos without the watermarks. I don't want to have to remove all my watermarks, sync, and then add the watermarks back to all my galleries.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2012
    Has anyone tried this app on iPhone5 yet? Do all the apps including this one have to be reinstalled? For this app I switched from cache to documents many moons ago and wondering if I have to D/L all the photos again. If I backup this app does it also backup the photos to itunes so if reinstalling from itunes the photos come back?
    Just wondering, thanks
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
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  • gpagpa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited October 10, 2012
    Several issues for me that still have not been resolved.
    Having made changes to the structure of my website, Cat, sub cat etc it never picks these changes up and still shows the old structure days later, the only way to get the new ones up is to un uninstall the program and reinstall. logging out and back in again does not work.

    2. If I upload new pictures to my site and then check wallet it shows each section has new pictures but i have to go into each one and save all of them rather than just the new ones, a pain when you have lots of new shots in different sections. Why not just have an auto update that looks just for new pictures and only updates those.... it would be even nicer if it could be done automatically.

    PS this is for ipad 1 so not the new ios

  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2012
    SmugWallet isn't downloading new content
    For a few days now, it won't recognize any new content, and will always fail to download 1 photo. Not sure what photo it's thinking. I've deleted the app, and redownloaded the entire page, still to find one photo not downloading, and it at the same spot as before with no new content. Any ideas?
  • USCoastieUSCoastie Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited October 15, 2012
    For a few days now, it won't recognize any new content, and will always fail to download 1 photo. Not sure what photo it's thinking. I've deleted the app, and redownloaded the entire page, still to find one photo not downloading, and it at the same spot as before with no new content. Any ideas?

    I just bought SmugWallet today and I'm having the same trouble. It loads my old content, fails to load one photo, and will no download anything new I've added since I started using SmugWallet. At least I know it isn't me.
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2012
    Same with me. Glad I'm not alone. Hopefully this can get sorted out. I have a lot not on my phone :(
  • dehowiedehowie Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited October 16, 2012
    Same here
    I have the same issue as well.
    Over 1400 photos ok but since around 4-5 days ago I get the fail with 1 photo to download and not recognizing new uploads.
    Seems I'm not alone..
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2012
    Please note that SmugWallet is not an app created by SmugMug. I would recommend that for any issues you contact the developer directly. You can find their homepage here.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • moose135moose135 Registered Users Posts: 1,420 Major grins
    edited October 17, 2012
    Please note that SmugWallet is not an app created by SmugMug. I would recommend that for any issues you contact the developer directly. You can find their homepage here.
    Yes, but since the app is designed solely for SM galleries, it's worth a mention here. I haven't been able to download new photos from my site for the past three or four days, either. I even deleted the app from my phone and reinstalled it. I downloaded my photos again, and the 18K+ that I had reappeared, but again, nothing new from the past few days were downloaded. Until I found this thread, I didn't know others were also having the same problem.

    The developer was quite active on the forum when it was introduced, although his profile shows he hasn't been active since last October. In that linked thread, he posted his contact e-mail. If things don't clear up in the next day or two, I'll give it a try:
  • derfderf Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
    edited October 17, 2012
    New images no longer upload to iphone or ipad... iPhone is ios 6 and iPad is ios 5.1.1

    folders do not exist...moved them and still did not see any new photos. Works great on the website, just will not download anything new with smugmug.

    (A friend just called me with the same issue, looks like a change happend...and broke it!)
  • RandyTRandyT Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited October 17, 2012
    I am having the same problem on both my iPhone and iPad!

  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 17, 2012
    I D/L'ed 209 of 210 photos day before yesterday and it worked but I haven't updated to IOS6.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2012
    For anyone with issues, I can only suggest that you contact the app developer for support directly. Thanks!
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • phl0wphl0w Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited October 18, 2012
    Having the same issue. SmugWallet doesn't find new galleries and pictures added. Always shows "1 photo in 1 gallery" available and reports an error message upon downloading photos.

    If I remember correctly this started with the update to Lightroom 4.2
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited October 18, 2012
    I emailed the developer and have yet to get a response. This was days ago
  • derfderf Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
    edited October 22, 2012
    I contacted Matt Directly and got this response

    "Thanks, I'll look into this, but it may be several weeks as I am out of the country.


    He has always had a quick turn around for issues, it is usually the App approval process that takes time. This time it looks like the update may take some time. I hope that he is out of the country for good reasons and will be happy to wait...until then I grind my teeth like the rest of you. It is amazing how we rely on this app so much and thanks for the quick reply Matt. clap.gif
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited October 23, 2012
    Awesome. Thanks for the update
  • KenanoffKenanoff Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited October 29, 2012
    Great news, that you got a reply. I also sent mail, but don't have response. Great to hear that eventually will be fixed.
    In the meantime we'll use the mobile site.
    It would be great that we'll have an update though, as now Apple required iPhone 5 screenshots and there is a good chance, we'll get also an iPhone5 update...
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited November 10, 2012
    Tom Petty comes to mind.........The Waiting, is the hardest part
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited November 12, 2012
    I'd say, we are waiting for nothing ... from what I can tell.

    I emailed - no response.
    I sent a tweet - no response.
    I left feedback on iTunes.

    It seems the negative feedback is building and the credibility of this app is sinking fast. Unfortunately, for SmugMug, it's not their app/product and they are not affiliated with this developer but it seems much of the feedback reflects on them. People don't seem to realize, it's NOT SmugMug, it's an independent app developer. Or, at least that was my impression looking at the feedback.

    Amazingly, this app (despite various iOS updates, etc) has not been updated since Oct 21, 2011 - seriously, that's a LONG time in the app world! Over a year??

    It's unfortunate, it was a useful app, now it's seemingly useless - I still have iOS 5, so it's not a matter of updating for iOS 6 or incompatibility with the new iOS/devices.

    Again, it's unfortunate for SmugMug because people don't seem to differentiate that it's unrelated to them.

    Just hope I'm wrong and something changes - or, someone else develops a quality replacement app!
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited November 14, 2012
    I'm starting to think so too. Does anyone else have an alternative? I hate not being able to show what I have taken recently. It's driving me nuts.
  • cjyphotocjyphoto Registered Users Posts: 195 Major grins
    edited November 18, 2012
    Maybe SmugMug should work on the abomination of an iPad app that they currently provide. Disappointed that I stuck with SM even though I did get renewed just before the new pricing structure. Was hoping things would get better.
    My Pictures : My Gear
    I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
  • DonlivixDonlivix Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
    edited November 29, 2012
    I can confirm that since last 4.1 version update, the app stopped working :nah; well, it keeps showing previous galleries and pics but new ones are refused with the usual "Photo Download Failed!" message.

    iPod Touch 1G - IOS 3.1.3 - SmugWallet 4.1
  • mrhonimrhoni Registered Users Posts: 173 Major grins
    edited December 1, 2012
    I'm currently using Smugview, since Smugwallet stopped working correctly on OS6.
    I picked Smugview because I want an app to load the photos onto my iPhone and iPad and can easily load new or updated photos.

    Overall it works ok, but there have been some issues where the sync gets stuck. Seemed to be on galleries with 50+ photos, but does not always have problems loading a gallery that large. Developer is responsive to my emails and is too look at this problem.
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited December 2, 2012
    I think Smugmug themselves needs to work on an app that does this. Come on heroes, whatdya say??
  • KenanoffKenanoff Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited December 7, 2012
    Yeah, it's nearly 2013 and the iPad and iPhone support is a must for a serious service.
    SmugWallet somewhat filled the hole and was a very nice app, but the lack of dedicated support finally caught it. Also the predefined sizes are from the 3GS period, we need new sizes...
    Even if it's fixed and even goes to the iPhone 5 screen, lack of iPad support is a killer.
    It's about time SmugMug to roll-out it's own app. Too bad that there are no indications of such...
  • Andy FavorsAndy Favors Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited December 16, 2012
    So I'm guessing we aren't going to hear anything from Smugmug themselves on a possibility of an app being developed from them? Zenfolio has one, why not Smugmug?
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2012
    cjyphoto wrote: »
    Maybe SmugMug should work on the abomination of an iPad app that they currently provide. Disappointed that I stuck with SM even though I did get renewed just before the new pricing structure. Was hoping things would get better.

    Hi Cyjphoto,

    I addressed the iPad app in this post.


  • b1greenb1green Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited January 15, 2013
    Download Failed
    Downloaded SmugWallet to my iPhone5. Login at settings and see my smugmug galleries and categories. Go to Sync tab and 'Search for Photos'. Only 1 photo shows as available to sync. Hit download photos but get Photo Download Failed. HELP, not ready to give up on SmugWallet.
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