Love the new changes, but... :-)
I know it's terrible manners to ask for something else when you guys just made some awesome changes! I love the new customization feature - specifically the option to remove branding. Love, Love, Love!!! It's been one of my biggest wished for items! Thanks!
My biggest wish however is the ability to sign and limit editions through smugmug. I've considered doing it the hard way - they have to contact me, I send them to paypal, then send them the signed/editioned print. But it would be so much prettier if I could do it from the smugmug shopping cart system. Bay photo could send it to me, and I sign and send to the client(also loved the Bay photo change!). Is there any chance that something like this is in the works?
Once again love the changes you've been making!
My biggest wish however is the ability to sign and limit editions through smugmug. I've considered doing it the hard way - they have to contact me, I send them to paypal, then send them the signed/editioned print. But it would be so much prettier if I could do it from the smugmug shopping cart system. Bay photo could send it to me, and I sign and send to the client(also loved the Bay photo change!). Is there any chance that something like this is in the works?
Once again love the changes you've been making!
Your site design is really cool too, love how simple it is.
But - I just wandered over to your site, and I find you've dropped into an invisible world. Are you aware that your gallery descriptions and page navigation is not viewable? White characters on a white background really doesn't work. It appears that you only have one gallery that extends beyond a page - but most users will not realize that there is more to view. Your keywords are barely visible - light gray on white also doesn't work well if you'd like your viewers to be able to see the text. I suspect you chose the light text on purpose. The page looks very nice, but I find it extremely annoying to need to be forced to look very closely in order to read the text. (Yes, I know, that's my problem, not yours - but if I have this reaction will potential customers feel the same way?)
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks so much for the kind words. It is great to hear feedback especially when I'm in the middle of new projects - gives me the kick I need to keep going! I just glad you didn't catch my site when I messed a couple galleries up(black backgrounds, etc) and made all my text dissappear a short time ago! :-) I'm actually moving around galleries and changing out pictures soon hopfully(I don't update as nearly as I ought too!). So I'm hoping to have some newer and better things coming and some staying.
And I do really like your site. It has a calm feeling to it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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