unable to upload photos
I can no longer upload photos to my website.
I get to the page with the different uploaders.
I tried different onces but when i choose one the next page is a page with the general smugmug header and footer. Nothing else.
I tried 3 different browsers. Cleared my cache. Nothing...
I have some problems since trying the easy customizer but the upload problem was before that.
Thanks for helping !
I get to the page with the different uploaders.
I tried different onces but when i choose one the next page is a page with the general smugmug header and footer. Nothing else.
I tried 3 different browsers. Cleared my cache. Nothing...
I have some problems since trying the easy customizer but the upload problem was before that.
Thanks for helping !
Feel free to use my referral code RexaramzeghMy and save 5$ on your smugmug subscription. You can also use this link: http://www.smugmug.com/?referrer=RexaramzeghMy
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Nope, still doesn't work.
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
say yes to install the applet.
Then one you get the uploader, close it, go to the gallery you want and click add photos again.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Nope, doesn't work. All i get is the general smugmug header and footer. Nothing else. Tried both I.E. 8.0 en Firefox.
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
When i want to go to the page with the different uploaders i am automatically log out. That is when i get the page with the smugmug header en footer. If on that page i log in again, it works
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
You have to accept all cookies, including third party cookies.
Then, make sure that you login properly. Do not login on your domain. Go to www.smugmug.com and click on login. Enter your login email address and your password. If you now go to your site, you likely won't show as logged in yet as your domain cookie hasn't catched on. Let the page load and refresh it in your browser. You should show as logged in.
If that doesn't work, clear your cookies.
To clear your SmugMug cookies in Firefox on Windows, click on Tools. Then select Options... There will be a new window pop up. Select the Privacy tab at the top and then click on Show Cookies... button. If you use the internet a lot, you'll see a lot of cookies. Scrolling through them may be inconvenient. Type smugmug (all in small letters) in the search field at the top. This will show you all the cookies from SmugMug. Then just select the cookies and click on the Remove Cookies button at the bottom.
Repeat the cookie clearing for your domain name, too. Enter digididi and clear all the cookies for your domain, too. Then go back to the top of my message and try logging in again as I instructed.
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