Decision time for #24 - Need Help

So... I took a series of self-portraits to try a different option for the challenge. I would have to reshoot these because the lighting is causing some wierd shadows on my face but how do either of these compare to my original option for the challenge?
Should I work on improving concept #1 or #2 or should I just stick with #3?


Should I work on improving concept #1 or #2 or should I just stick with #3?



"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
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Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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I vote stick with number 3.. I think you have a winner there, I am impressed.. However, if you are thinking of doing something different and these are the 2 choices, and after studying the artist you are emulating,, shot number 1 is closest to that work. You look a little drugged in shot # 2 and the frame is too open especially with that corner sticking into the frame on the right hand side on number 2, and the tennis shoes are distracting in the composition and are the first thing my eyes are lead to..
my vote is number 3 .. I think you nailed it on that one.. if not, then the next best is number 1.. depending on what you can do with it...
Best of Luck
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Website: Tom Price Photography
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between #1 and #2, I'd have to choose 1; On #2, I don't like how your t-shirt blends in with the black background and also, I don't like your head being so small (or arms/legs being so big) in relation to the rest of your body. My eyes are more drawn to your hands/feet than to your face/eyes. & smugmug
Thanks for the input on this thread and the other I posted. I have entered #3 into the challenge.
Thanks again!
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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Terrific shot!!! ...... Facebook