Metering Off White Uniforms
Curious what others use for exposure compensation when shooting teams with white uniforms.
1) +1 EV
2) +1 EV
3) -2/6 EV
4) -2/6 EV
Green is so much easier
5) 0 EV
6) 0 EV
7) 0 EV
Critiques and Comments Always Appreciated
1) +1 EV
2) +1 EV
3) -2/6 EV
4) -2/6 EV
Green is so much easier
5) 0 EV
6) 0 EV
7) 0 EV
Critiques and Comments Always Appreciated
Art is using an incident light meter, Art is looking at the light that is falling on everything so to speak rather than what is being reflected off of a subject as all subjects reflect light differently.
Here is a handy link to learn a bit more about the subject.
..however if you are going to shoot sports of any type, your best friend would be to shoot manual and learn to react on the fly to the conditions. For example, you could use your center weighted metering, but pick something more neutral like the grass or green jerseys (if not at a bad angle to the sun, especially like wet grass in the morning). Then use that for a starting point for your manual settings. Take some test shots, study your histogram and keep tweaking!
I for one since you said you use Nikon is to use the matrix metering and check the metering on a more balanced scene. i.e. Not off a white jersey glowing in the sun.
Hope this helps!
Nice shots by the way! ..and good luck!
This does help, I will try experimenting a little more at the next shoot. Guess it's time to stop letting the camera do all the work. I was using the exposure comp as a step between full auto and manual.
Using a light meter how old skool!!!
I have had a light meter for a bit now and I am just learning how to use it, I friggen love the thing. For sports I dont think it matters as much in terms of appearance of professionalizm, but I think at weddings being able to walk around meter a room and not having to take multiple test shots ups my creditablity. (plus I dont have people posing for fake shots). I still check my histogram, but it takes alot of the guess work out.