Homepage slideshow issues
Some of the photos in my homepage slide show appear small in Internet explorer.
Everything appears to work fine in Firefox and other Browsers. Any idea
what is causing it?
Everything appears to work fine in Firefox and other Browsers. Any idea
what is causing it?
If you still have troubles, let us know what exact photo shows this issue. Maybe include a screenshot of the issue.
What exact IE version do you use?
SmugMug Support Hero
I deleted most of my photos in the slideshow. The first 3 photos are the correct size,
the last 2 are now smaller in size. Clearing the cache as you suggested did not work.
What do you mean smaller in size exactly, I notice that not all of the images have the same aspect ratio, is that what you mean, you want them to fill the area even if it bleeds over? Could you show a screenshot of what you're seeing too that would help.
How do I place a screenshot in this forum.
Use Jing (mac/pc) or Skitch (Mac)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Is the small image a very old one, predated the extra-large sizes? (If so, then you might need to select the "Make Smugmungous" option in the gallery tools. Caviat: this will reset the thumbnails in that gallery.)
All images, past and present, in my homepage slideshow are set to medium.
The small images are about the same age as the others.
Last week all the images were the same size as the first screen shot above.
Initially the small images started showing in Internet Explorer. A few days later the
small images started appearing in Firefox as I indicated above.
New images that I post to my homepage slideshow now only appear in the smaller size.
I just set the photos in my homepage slideshow to original size and then immediately back
to medium. That seems to have fixed the problem; at least for now.
I have developed a problem with my Bio slideshow. The slideshow script is displayed on searches along with the bioText. How do I hide it? Here is my present Bio: Will appreciate any advise. Thanks.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Have you tried adding
#bioText {display: none;}
to your CSS
Yes, it was added to CSS some time ago. Just checked it again. Also just did a search for agallia on Smugmug that yields this description, "Bayou Oaks Studio: Photography by Al & Bobbie Gallia var ssConfig = ...". Smugmug Wiki doesn't seem to address this issue.
But I ran across the following apparent "fix" on the W3C HTML 4.01 Spec on Scripts, 18.3.2, Hiding script data from user agents. I applied it to my Bio slideshow script and now my search description stops with bioText. Any problems with doing this? Any comments about this issue will be appreciated. Thanks.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Tom, placed the comment strings between 'script' tags as shown: As I mentioned, seems to work but I am not a 'SM hero' so don't know for sure. Would like to get some feedback on this.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hi Andy,
I had done that, but I was still seeing the problem when looking at the RSS feed. The first item in the RSS feed still showed the code. This is what prompted my question. For whatever reason, it's no longer reproducing... Go figure....
Actually, interestingly, with IE the issue does not repro, but with FF it does.
In FF, here's the first item in the feed:
thomasdinardo's galleries
<div id="bioText">Thomas Di Nardo - Seattle Sports Photographer - Editorial, Commercial, and Corporate Photography - FIS Skiing, ISU Speed Skating, Snowboarding, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Hockey, Softball, Swimming, Racing, Action. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. </div>
var ssConfig = {
AlbumID: '7907514',
newWindow: 'false',
transparent: 'true',
splash: 'false',
showLogo: 'false',
clickToImage: 'false',
showThumbs: 'false',
showButtons: 'false',
imgAlign: 'top',
crossFadeSpeed: '350'
SM.flash.insertSlideshow(800, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent');
That worked great for me! Thanks! My site looked really ugly in Firefox's brief RSS plug-in before I did this. Of course I had to kill off Brief's database to get it to forget the mess and load the fixed version....