Published or not? Does this count...
Hey Gang,
I just found out that (6) of my pics made it into the year book at the high school where I work. One is a two page spread of the crowd at a basketball game, and the other five (may actually be a few smaller shots as well...) are on the Varsity Girls Basketball spread. I've been asked about shooting some of the fall sports as well.
Not sure this is any real big deal, but it's the first time I've seen my work anywhere besides online or hanging on my walls at home. No money (and none was expected nor even considered), but it is a nice feeling.
Oh for those that are concerned about such things-No photog lost *any* income because of my shots. They have a photography studio who is contracted to provide X number of shots as part of the year book and portrait package, they just chose my shots over theirs
Take care all,
I just found out that (6) of my pics made it into the year book at the high school where I work. One is a two page spread of the crowd at a basketball game, and the other five (may actually be a few smaller shots as well...) are on the Varsity Girls Basketball spread. I've been asked about shooting some of the fall sports as well.
Not sure this is any real big deal, but it's the first time I've seen my work anywhere besides online or hanging on my walls at home. No money (and none was expected nor even considered), but it is a nice feeling.
Oh for those that are concerned about such things-No photog lost *any* income because of my shots. They have a photography studio who is contracted to provide X number of shots as part of the year book and portrait package, they just chose my shots over theirs

Take care all,
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Whether you count it or not, somebody thought enough of your photos to add them to a publication people will cherish for years to come.
Smug Galleries - Other Images
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
We all need a warm fuzzy feeling of appreciation sometimes:-)
Next time they will hire *you*
Thanks for all the congrats and support I guys! One of those moments I just wanted to share. I think it's difficult for people who don't pursue photography like we do to understand just what even a little pat on the back does for one's confidence.
Thanks again for taking the time to post, in the busy day and age that we live in it is *very much* appreciated.
Take care,
Like the old saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
If you are just beginning your journey, that step is monumental, if you are halfway through the journey, you may not even remember the first step.
So I say, congratulations on taking that first step. You can use it to your benefit and use it for momentum to get more work, or just a warm fuzzy that makes you feel good that what you are doing is making a difference.
Either way, it is a good thing.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Thanks so much for stopping by-very cool.
Yes I agree, it's a first step but an important one. We've probably all heard at one time or another that our shots are "good" or "cool" or "neat" (showing my age?), but when someone approaches you and says "I'd like to use your work in a _________." It brings a certain satisfaction that our efforts are paying off. Not in anyway a "I have arrived" feeling, just a "hey, I'm on the right path feeling."
As a plumber by trade and a Custodial Supervisor by vocation, being able to 'do' something with my photography brings so much more satisfaction. I have taken pictures since I was a kid, but largely gave it up in my early twenties. When you have very little income and the choice is food or film it is easy to give up on the 'dream'. Since turning 40 I decided to allow myself a second shot at two of my greatest passions-photography and music. Both of which by God's grace I'm much more profficient at now.
Anyways....sorry to wax poetic there for a moment....
thanks again Shay, I have great respect for your work and your opinion so it means quite a bit to get your input.
Take Care,
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Thanks Nir!!!
I appreciate it very much.
Take care,