Sad song
While trying to make this photo a bit more interesting, my first attempt to shoot against some black velvet I rigged up and then natural light took a hike this song came into my head, a bit sad and melancholy ( did I come close to spelling that right??) Did anyone else watch Katerina Witt skate to this some years ago as a tribute? I was around when the song first came out but her performance was very compelling and made it new again.
I saw what you wrote on the picture, and the only song
can think of "Where have all the cowboys gone...."
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
As to "where have all the flowers gone" ...I thought it was where have all the soldiers gone...but I looked it up and both are correct as it is a line out of the song...essentially an anti war song written years ago.. all the flowers were for the graves of the soldiers and that's where those had gone to......of course in your photo it imply's pretty little girls have plucked them all!!!
It does have a part about "Young girls picked them, every one" early in the song, but it turns out these young girls have "taken husbands every one," so I suppose they are older than this girl.
OK, so it's an antiwar song, sad, but also angry. Does it fit this image?
On the other hand the image is nice without the words. I don't like the harsh magenta color. Better in B&W than bad color? Probably. You could use some different words if you to see words there. Let's see,
Blakes "Ah, Sunflower?" Maybe not really, it's about mortality and I don't think the association with a child works. Google for "sunflower", "sunflower sad song", &etc, and I'm sure you'll find something.
Yes, the song and child don't really match, that song just popped into my head and would not leave, you know how that can be.
I am glad most liked the image , I wasn't too sure about it. It really helped to have a fresh perspective from others, Thanks to all!