Monday's assortment
Tufted Titmouse - at feeder at Hagerman NWR Visitor Center
Northern Mockingbird - Country Road
Swainson's Hawk - on same country road. Stopped the car looking at a small bird. Looked to my left and he was sitting right there staring at me. (They are bigger than I realized when they are that close.)
Northern Mockingbird - Country Road
Swainson's Hawk - on same country road. Stopped the car looking at a small bird. Looked to my left and he was sitting right there staring at me. (They are bigger than I realized when they are that close.)
Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I spent today staring into my backyard. I worked at it all day today. My backyard birds refuse to pose for me like all of ya'lls!
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maybe ya just haven't come to a mutual understanding
or they are holding out for more pay :wow
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Maybe that's it... I need to buy the REALLY expensive birdseed.
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Thanks, it was fun. Hawks have been my challenge. They always fly when they see me, or the light isn't good, or they are just too far for my camera to get a good shot.
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