Miss Piggy Visits Long Island

No, not that Miss Piggy. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration brought their Lockheed WP-3 Orion hurricane hunter aircraft, named "Miss Piggy" to Republic Airport today as part of their Hurricane Awareness Tour. The aircraft was open for tours by school groups, and I was able to spend some time shooting and talking with the NOAA folks.

One of the crew, with one of the tracking devices they drop into the storm to provide real-time data.

They have another WP-3 named "Kermit" and a Gulfstream named "Gonzo"

The cloudy, rainy weather sure seemed appropriate for a hurricane hunter, although being based in Florida, it was a little colder then they are accustomed to. Of course the weather also meant shoot, clean the lens, shoot, clean the lens...
More photos here: http://moose135.smugmug.com/gallery/8115453_7GpKs/1/529100041_QHto3

One of the crew, with one of the tracking devices they drop into the storm to provide real-time data.

They have another WP-3 named "Kermit" and a Gulfstream named "Gonzo"

The cloudy, rainy weather sure seemed appropriate for a hurricane hunter, although being based in Florida, it was a little colder then they are accustomed to. Of course the weather also meant shoot, clean the lens, shoot, clean the lens...
More photos here: http://moose135.smugmug.com/gallery/8115453_7GpKs/1/529100041_QHto3
The Moose is Loose!
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)