I prefer the first as the clouds look more "ominous" but then again I agree with Ginger it gets a little lost....But then, perhaps thats the danger in the picture. The fact the storm is so much bigger. Could you perhaps try to lighten the tanker and the sea but not the sky? And see how that looks. Perhaps half way between the two would be good. I like the concept behind this one
Hi Mushy
Sorry, but I just don't feel the danger. If there was some major surf or lightening going on, then I might feel danger from the storm. This challenge is turning out harder than initially thought. I think some lightening of the ship and water would help, maybe not as much as your second shot though.
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
alrighty then, I've adjusted only the water and the tanker but by only about half as much as before and also worked from a slightly darker orginal photo.
After this it might be time to start looking for a different shot!
Cheers everyone for the comments tips pointers and opinions.
Is there a way to provide a bit of contrast between the tanker and the rest of everything. In particular, the sky.
I've adjusted the contrast and saturation only for the boat.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Sorry, but I just don't feel the danger. If there was some major surf or lightening going on, then I might feel danger from the storm. This challenge is turning out harder than initially thought. I think some lightening of the ship and water would help, maybe not as much as your second shot though.
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
After this it might be time to start looking for a different shot!
Cheers everyone for the comments tips pointers and opinions.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso