S*E: new version 125 uploaded

What's new:
Friendly reminder: a lot of trials will expire on June 12th. I will be pretty busy that weekend (family stuff), so if you don't want to get caught with no S*E around - request your license now!
All the original sponsors (and all Smugmug Shootout 2005 attendees) are eligible for a free or discounted license (see the bottom of the purchase page), so just drop me an email with your info..
Don't forget to specify your account/email! Without this info I cannot issue you your license...:dunno
Thank you for using Star*Explorer!:thumb
- old cache problem located and fixed
- more direct album related actions (thanks, Sebastian!)
- typo fixed (thanks, Brad!)
- other improvements
Friendly reminder: a lot of trials will expire on June 12th. I will be pretty busy that weekend (family stuff), so if you don't want to get caught with no S*E around - request your license now!
All the original sponsors (and all Smugmug Shootout 2005 attendees) are eligible for a free or discounted license (see the bottom of the purchase page), so just drop me an email with your info..
Don't forget to specify your account/email! Without this info I cannot issue you your license...:dunno
Thank you for using Star*Explorer!:thumb
"May the f/stop be with you!"
amadeus suggested I don't get out much, he must have been right.
Nikolai-where have you been all my smugmug life? Gee whiz, the other night I'm up until like 5am doing the 100mb limit uploads at a time for over 2GB of pics, wondering why there wasn't some why around it!
Talk about being in the dark.
Man this looks fantastic, hat's off to you (admittedly and embarassingly belated).
OK-one quick question, if I may...
I don't use Excel, and my sales flow at the moment is well...
Anyway-other than the Excel support, is there any advantage to the Pro version of S*E for me to consider?
I'm definately buying the program, I just wanted a little help making up my mind.
Thanks man!
i still can't believe i missed this...sheesh....what a dope....note to self: CHECK THE OTHER FORUMS ONCE IN A WHILE YA IDIOT....'bulk up loader' now who woulda thunk it...mumble...mumble....mumble....
Uh, I pitty you for doing it all manual up to now!
You don't have to rely on cost-intense programs like Excel (I think Excel alone wouldn't be sufficient and you would need also MS Access).
Every application that supports Jet Databases should work.
I use OpenOffice, which costs nothing and includes everything you need (writer, table calculation, database support and so on). Be sure to get the latest beta, which includes the new database support.
Have fun,
SmugMug Support Hero
Sorry that you had to do that manually, especially since S*E has been around for more than 6 months..:-( I guess it's my bad - I didn't advertise it heavy enough, but OTOH, how would I do it..
Anyway, you have found it now, and that what counts!
As Sebastian mentioned, there is a free OpenOffice. There is also free(limited)/cheap(nonlimited) Software602, that includes MS Office-compatible wordprocessor, spreadsheet and a very nice photo editor. I have been using the latter for years before I finally switched to PS CS:-), and I'm still using it for a trivial stuff. They have trial, check it out.
Speaking of Pro.. For *now* the biggest and the only advatange is the sales download, but trust me, there is more stuff coming, and quite some of it will be only for Pro. Essentially, almost all "big" new features would be Power or Pro, and the most interesting ones would be Pro. To give you the glimpse of the (in some cases even pretty near) future - multialbum settings editing, full metadata download, original images download, and then some..:-)
Hope this helped:-)
Also - I forgot to mention - all the export is using CSV files, which are simple text files with quotes and commas, like follows:
"field 1", "field 2", ...
"row1 value1", "row 1 value2", ...
"row2 value1", "row 2 value2", ...
CSV "format" has been around for decades, there should be tons of applications that could handle it.
Yes, I forgot about the csv-support...This makes it more universal and there is no need for a database application, but I think spending some time getting used to all the database stuff is well worth it.
SmugMug Support Hero
Absolutely, no questions. You can do so much more with a decent DB support:-)
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Just get the exe-only part and dump it on top of your older version.