My daughter's boyfriend in the garage
I've been anxious to take some garage shots of this adorable little guy who is Samantha's boyfriend. The wedding has already been planned by these two!
Lucky for me he came over for a play date a few days ago. He's a little flushed from running around in the Florida heat, but he's very cute!
Lucky for me he came over for a play date a few days ago. He's a little flushed from running around in the Florida heat, but he's very cute!
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Adorable. Your Samantha is obviously a heartbreaker already
Too funny!
No PP on these eyes at all. Other then a levels adjustment and a slight vignette, this shot is right out of the camera.
Magic garage light. Try it with your daughter.
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Curious- what was your ISO? The background seems a bit more noisy than usual for your garage portraits.
I would, if only I had a garage......
Heather, this was taken at ISO 250. I didn't really notice the noise until your pointed it out. I'm not sure why it is so prominent in that background at that setting.
Could be that my old D2Xs is wearing out and needs to be replaced with a a new D3. Thanks for the idea!