Nested Categories, how many?
are you only able to create sub-categories and that's as far as you can go?
example. i want to create
Events -> Weddings -> Sophie & Mike -> Getting Ready
Events -> Weddings -> Sophie & Mike -> Ceremony
Events -> Weddings -> Sophie & Mike -> Reception
is that possible?
example. i want to create
Events -> Weddings -> Sophie & Mike -> Getting Ready
Events -> Weddings -> Sophie & Mike -> Ceremony
Events -> Weddings -> Sophie & Mike -> Reception
is that possible?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes i've thought about it, but I wanted all my paid for shooting under one folder/category.
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Category -> Sub-category -> Gallery
Wedding -> Sophie & Mike -> Getting Ready
This needs work...
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Team Name> Year> Tounament name > Game vs team xxx.
For now, you need to figure out how to use the existing 3-level structure to meet your needs. While I do understand your desire for a deeper nested structure - in fact, I suspect I will use it at some level once it is available - I'd caution you against creating a very deep structure. It can be very annoying to viewers to need to click through artificial levels in a structure.
To the OPs statement that he wants all paid shooting under one category - that seems to me to be for the owner of the site as opposed to be for the viewers. Why should someone looking for their wedding need to pop through what will appear to them to be an artificial and unneeded events layer?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Weddings will be hidden anyway. I give out event cards at the wedding with a URL that directs to the specific gallery. Believe me I've been doing this for a long time and actually use Pictage. Thought i'd try out SmugMug for some things. Ideally I point them to the main gallery with all images, but I can create sub-folders for engagement, bridal, getting ready, etc... Stats show higher sales when you break up the event into easily digestable sub-categories where they can go directly to a particular type.
And that's the other problem. Layers. Customers should be able to see the sub-folders from the main gallery or any other sub-folder they are in. it shouldn't be a a up and down drill down, it should be easily to get to any of the folders from any other folder in the gallery.
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