Downtown Seattle
I'm headed to Seattle in mid-June.... I've been several times, but this time my niece has asked me to take some pictures of her and a friend in downtown Seattle. Any suggestions on great places to shoot there? The only area I am at all familiar with is Pike Place Public Market.
Come talk with me of days gone by, let's linger there awhile. Some memories will make us cry, but more will bring a smile.
Come talk with me of days gone by, let's linger there awhile. Some memories will make us cry, but more will bring a smile.
There are lots of great locations for photography in Seattle. You can get some great shots at Pike Place Market, but it can get very crowded (especially with photographers) forcing you to be quite bold with the use of your camera. It can be done; I've seen Nikolai photographing a model in the middle of the street with cars driving by and people looking on...but he's a bit bolder with the camera than me
Alki can be a great spot if you want a city scape back drop
another good spot for city scape backdrop is gas works park
of course the classic Seattle city scape shot is from Kerry Park (my wife and I had some wedding shots taken there...unfortunately I don't have a copy I can post)
The downtown Seattle library can be a great spot to wander with a camera and study line, shap, shadow
The Seattle Art Museum's Olympic Sculpture Gallery on the Seattle Waterfront is another of my favorite places to wander with a camera
Enjoy your visit!
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
The Seattle Center - here is just a few ideas at the center;
International Fountain
Experience Music Project bldg.
And, of course, the Space Needle
Just west of Seattle Center, overlooking the waterfront and Puget Sound, is the Olympic Sculpture Park.
Along the waterfront and piers is also nice. You can take a water taxi to Alki beach in West Seattle. Have lunch or dinner at Salty's and take the water taxi back.
From the pier along the waterfront;
Another view from the pier.
Night view of downtown from Alki Beach in West Seattle on (near Salty's Restaurant)
The Harbor steps is a nice way to get back up to the Market area. The steps area have fountains and usually have art/sculpture displayed.
A few from around the middle of the steps;
The Public Market is always a good bet, but as greenpea said, it can get very busy there.
If you need a dose of caffeine, I highly recommend Seattle Coffee Works, on Pike street just one block up from the Public Market entrance.
I agree with greenpea that the new library building is a very unique building, and has many great angles.
Pioneer Square area is another unique place. The old part of town, with older Victorian Romanesque buildings, with the brick road that is closed off to traffic, only pedestrians allowed. Many art galleries, restaurants, and shops.
Also, the Freeway park over I5, near the Convention Center.
Enjoy your visit!
Portrait, Wedding & Event Photography
Those are some really nice pictures you posted... hope I can get some just as sweet!
Come talk with me of days gone by, let's linger there awhile. Some memories will make us cry, but more will bring a smile.
I got to eat at Salty's the first time I visited... and watched Seattle turn gold at sunset (wish I had been more into photography on that trip!!)..
Now for more research on some of the other places you mentioned that I haven't visited.
Thanks again!
Come talk with me of days gone by, let's linger there awhile. Some memories will make us cry, but more will bring a smile.
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I will also be looking for indoor stuff to shoot this winter, my first winter here in Seattle while doing photography.
I have been to the Museum of Flight several times, if they are into aviation at all. Lots of great planes and they let you shoot with a tripod, at least they did when I went last.
I am not sure about the aquarium, I want to go check it out. Probably dark(?) though.
the library of course is indoors.
But, it doesn't so much rain in Seattle as it drizzles all the time. If you can manage to be outside a bit then some of the places already mentioned will work and then you can dash into a coffee shop to dry and warm up. Also, right after a rain is a great time for reflection shots when the city streets are wet, they really pick up the light from neon signs and bring some life to what is normally just boring grey concrete. Nice backdrop to have.
If you get some good weather, take a ferry ride. Coming back into the city on a ferry can grab you some great moments. Be sure to just walk on, it is a lot cheaper and the ride back is free.
Not to toot my own horn, but you can take a look at my galleries to see some samples of the places I am talking about. Look in the airplane section and Blue Angles section for flight museum shots. Take a look in the 'landscapes' and 'more art photos' for general seattle shots.
Best of luck to you.
Any idea when you are coming into town?