

lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
edited May 8, 2009 in Finishing School
When I upload photos into my editing software (was a LR2 trial, now using aperture trial) when I first view it the photo will come up colorful and bright as I took it, but then about 2 seconds later it will change and becomes darker and a little dull. Does anyone know what i'm talking about and if you do why does it do that? Does it have something to do with a camera calibration setting? I never know what to put that as. I'm not sure if this does it for my .jpg files, but it always does it for my raw files.


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    MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2009
    My guess is that is generating a preview based on the embedded jpg, then replacing it once it has time to render an accurate preview of raw based on your aperture settings, which tend to be more conservative w/ regard to tone curve especially.

    Someone with more Aperture experience may be able to chime in with a better answer.
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    lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2009
    Hmm...I think i understand, however it did this in LR2 and on my other computer the same thing happened in picasa. Does it have something to do with calibration? And what does the profile mean under calibration?
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    MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2009
    What do you mean by camera calibration?
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    lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2009
    In Lightroom 2 on the develop tab, all the way down at the bottom it has a section for Calibration. Under that is profile. For jpg's, it's embedded, you can't change it but for RAW, you can change it. That's about all I know about it. I'm not sure if Aperture has it, I haven't played enough with it yet.
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    MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2009
    That is a possibility, I guess. I just don't know enough about Aperture to know for sure.

    However, I would not expect such behavior from Picasa, which does not have camera calibration and does not honor ICC profiles, AFAIK.

    Do you shoot Raw+JPG by any chance?
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    lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2009
    no, just raw.
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    MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2009
    I'm gonna go with my original guess then, until the real gurus come along and point out my errors.
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    lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2009
    Laughing.gif, yeah i don't know...it's not really a big deal I just always wondered about it. thanks for trying though!
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