looking for tripod for macro
help me...looking at tripods makes me crazy, there are so many. i'm looking for a good set up for macro ~ outdoors, flowers, bugs kind of stuff. i have the slik 700DX ~ so if there are things i could add to that it would be great. or, i just got a tax refund so i could get something different.
For flowers and other stationary subjects, a tripod works well as does a monopod. For carefully controlled situations I often use a regular tripod and just collapse one or 2 legs, allowing me to "angle" over the subject or by the subject.
For a more advanced technique I might use (but I haven't used in years) a macro rail setup like:
For studio macro and close-focus work I either use a copy stand, a slightly modified Canon "Model 3" copying stand in this case, or a product table and tripod.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
ebay search results........
Well I was searching such solutions as well. but I have heard that for flowers and other stationary subjects, a tripod works well as does a monopod. anyways but if any of you know the correct solutions to this problem please let me know!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>