
SEO Changes?

ewoldewold Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
edited May 12, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
To test my SEO ranking I tried the phrase "ukutula lodge" yesterday as I assumed it wouldn't be super common(like "wildlife photography" would be) and my photo with that keyword came up on the first page. But it came up as http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/6001577_dLqeB#415873536_h2CcG with smugmug branding instead of my own. Any ideas what this is and how I can keep this from happening?

The good news is that when I searched Google images with "ukutula lodge" my picture was the fourth picture. So Google images is now looking at my smugmug pictures. I know before I hadn't had much luck with my images showing up on Google Images, so I'm pretty happy with this.

But once again it uses the smugmug address (ewold.smugmug.com) instead of my domain name(elizabethwoldphotography.com) for the link. Any ideas for how I might speed that along? I'm still pretty happy with how close to the top it showed up, though!


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    FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,339 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2009
    ewold wrote:
    To test my SEO ranking I tried the phrase "ukutula lodge" yesterday as I assumed it wouldn't be super common(like "wildlife photography" would be) and my photo with that keyword came up on the first page.

    That's terrific, and encouraging. I've never been able to find ANY image in google images. For example "Cardboard regatta" "Cape Coral" is pretty limiting, and does find the site in the web search, but nothing (with or without the "Cape coral") in images.

    Did you do anything special to get the images to show? Beyond the usual advice of keywording, captures, etc?

    Could the CNAME on the www entry not pointing to the core domain be limiting how google finds things?
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    ewoldewold Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited May 12, 2009
    Ferguson wrote:
    That's terrific, and encouraging. I've never been able to find ANY image in google images. For example "Cardboard regatta" "Cape Coral" is pretty limiting, and does find the site in the web search, but nothing (with or without the "Cape coral") in images.

    Did you do anything special to get the images to show? Beyond the usual advice of keywording, captures, etc?

    Could the CNAME on the www entry not pointing to the core domain be limiting how google finds things?

    Thanks for the reply. As far as what I did to improve my results in google images... All I've done is make sure there's keywords for all the images, and that the keywords are visable - not hidden. I did submit my website to google a couple months ago. I don't know if that helped or not.

    Anyway as far as the cname, I think that's fine as google can find it for other search terms(such as my name) and that comes up with the proper domain name. I'm guessing that Google is crawling smugmug and that's where it found that smugmug branded version of my website, I just was hoping there was a way to make version forward to my branded website or something.
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