family portrait attempt.......
Registered Users Posts: 30 Big grins
this was taken one afternoon as a starting effort at getting some decent portrait images. wondering if this is a good start or if i'm way off? any help, thoughts, ideas are greatly appreciated. and i'm thick-skinned so let it rip.
d70s, 18-70 @ 38, on camera flash @ 1/2 power, iso 400, 1/400 sec, f 4.2.
shot raw and processed in pse 5.0.
wondering how to work out the dof for a blurry background? start with aperture more open, then.........
UPDATED, new attempt at end of thread. what do you think?
I might try to find a bit of a different pose as well. I like having the child in the middle, but his arm around her looks kinda forced. Maybe tighten up the crop a bit as well, you could probably eliminate most if not all of the grass, which would help in the background dept.
Hope that's helpful!
Longer focal length and wider apertures shorten DOF. You could of course move the couple further from the trees as well.
From my reading here cutting hands in half is a no-no. His right hand is chopped in half.
Personally not a fan of just seeing fingers crawling around her. Either more hand and a little arm, or none would be my preference.
Which brings me to them being very centered. Again seems to be a rule of compositions, rule of thirds.
I like solid colours, not the patterned shirt he is wearing.
I do like the rest though. Colours seem good to me. Good compromise between pale woman and darker man.
Nice job getting them to all look at you. not like a baby that age follows direction. I don't mind the arm on the mommy. My little one does that very naturally, especially when he does not want to be put down or handed off.
Might want to try portrait orientation as well, unless you really wanted to feature the trees on both sides of them.
Color- skintones look pretty nice to my eye
Light- no strange shadows - no raccoon eyes
Focus- they are in focus! Which is rather crucial but a lot of beginners somehow miss it. You nailed the focus.
All that to say this- you did pretty well and keep shooting! Take what the other folks said and add it to what you already did well and your photos will get better and better.
I myself am a beginner as well but the past year and a half on Digital grin has helped me to begin developing an eye so I can be critical and just enough knowledge to pass some on to other beginners.
One thing that did help me a little with DOF is playing with the DOF master to get a better understanding of distance, focal length and aperture and how they relate to DOF.
and there wasn't much room to work with. the plan was to use the long end of the lens and have more distance from the background. it just didn't work out this time. we'll make the full effort as time allows at a local park or town square. this was just to get this process started and learn what's what. so thanks again for helping.
I like the tighter crop better, and I think the square format works well. I agree with Heather about the color and lighting as well. Also, in regard to Toshido's comment, I like the child's arm on the mommy as well, I think that looks fine, but your arm looks a little bit forced.
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also, when i tried the on camera flash to fill in our faces some, it blew it out pretty bad. i thought about trying a smaller aperture but thought the dof would have brought the fountain into focus?
Overall very good shot.