Bunnies mugshots !
Just registered today.
I take pictures for local rabbit rescue and I would like to share some of their pictures here and learn more in the process.
What do you guys think about these 2 ?

I take pictures for local rabbit rescue and I would like to share some of their pictures here and learn more in the process.
What do you guys think about these 2 ?

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright
Secondly. I love your cute lil bunnies
I really like the first shot. The bunny behind the nearer one almost looks like a reflection. Same position and looking in the same direction. Although I love a shallow DOF, on this one I would have gone with a narrower aperture just to get that background bunny in focus too. I think it would have made the shot a bit more interesting and it would have given you some additional cropping options.
Nice work and I hope to see more bunnies
I'm with Steve on the 1st completely
I like the 2nd as well crisp shot with catch light in the eye, very nice
By the By used to raise bunnies myself, not the freindliest are they? run into that yet
My Galleries
Thank you for your advise.
I agree with your comment. I'll keep that in mind next time I shot pair again.
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright
Thank you for your comment.
Actually I am a volunteer at Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue.
We rescue domesticated house rabbit and actually most of them are friendly
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright
Been watching too much Monty Python Brett?.....
I must confess I had to google the actual quote though
These are great! You just need to post more. My wife and I love bunnies and hope to adopt one someday. We did some research into it and decided that we just didn't have the time in our lives right now to properly take care of a bunny. But it is nice to see these very cute pictures. I really like that second shot.
Nikon D200, usually with 18-200VR or 50mm f/1.8D
Ubuntu 9.04, Bibblepro, GIMP, Argyllcms
Blog at http://losthighlights.blogspot.com/
Thank you for your comment.
I will definitely post more in the future.
Usually every weekend, I take new pictures of the bunnies that can be adopted out.
You are right, having a bunny is no different than having a cat or a dog in the house. They need just as much attention and care. I can assure you that I have my hands full with 4 bunnies at home
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright
Well I'll let bygones be bygones.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I'm sorry about the landscaping :uhoh
Here we catch the perps and neutered/spayed them and put them up for adoption
Thanks Susan !
I go to the rescue to learn more about my bunnies but then I fall in love with the rescue and decided to volunteer there.
Beside, I found out that the bunnies model for me for cheap (their payment are hay, pellets, veggies & TLC)
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright