Hi Gary,
I see you caught the sweet light. I like #3 the best. I'm just a sucker for tree texture:D and I also like the way it draws my eyes in, then down the branch.
Lots of green, our hills are already turning brown for the summer:cry.
Thanks for sharing,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Yes everything is green but soon i think there will be a hose pipe ban because the reservoirs are getting low they say we are getting the wrong type of rain, thanks for your comments
I see you caught the sweet light. I like #3 the best. I'm just a sucker for tree texture:D and I also like the way it draws my eyes in, then down the branch.
Lots of green, our hills are already turning brown for the summer:cry.
I see you caught the sweet light
Lots of green, our hills are already turning brown for the summer:cry.
Thanks for sharing,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.