
Baseball Photos

OldakerOldaker Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
edited May 10, 2009 in Sports
Hello all,
I am new at doing sports stuff, i have seen some really nice baseball shots on here and trying to get my pics to look really good
can you please look at my sports gallery under Hawks Baseball and give me some advice as to what i need to be doing, these are directly out of the camera with nothing done to them, just wondering what everyone thought of how they look?
i use a Nikon D80, with a 55-200 kit lens, and try to shoot on shutter priority so i can capture swings and running, etc...
is it my lens holding me back? what can i be doing to make them better,

also another question i have, when i try to put my sb800 speedlight on, the fastest shutter speed i can adjust to is 200, why is that?
i was told to use the flash even in the daylight to fill the faces and stuff of people, but i cant get a fast shutter speed with it



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