I really don't understand.

Why can't SmugMug fix their problem with Opera?
The suggestion that it is Opera's fault because of their last upgrade is lame.
It doesn't affect anything else that I can see, and I use Gmail (does that mean Gmail got on the ball and updated to be compatible? Probably)
Then telling us that we have to wait for Opera to fix it in their next update, what if that doesn't happen. I should do as you have done and tell all of my customers too bad you'll have to DL FF and use that.
I know you guys like FF but I don't and explaining to my customers that there is nothing I can do and having to suggest that they use a different browser sucks.
The suggestion that it is Opera's fault because of their last upgrade is lame.
It doesn't affect anything else that I can see, and I use Gmail (does that mean Gmail got on the ball and updated to be compatible? Probably)
Then telling us that we have to wait for Opera to fix it in their next update, what if that doesn't happen. I should do as you have done and tell all of my customers too bad you'll have to DL FF and use that.
I know you guys like FF but I don't and explaining to my customers that there is nothing I can do and having to suggest that they use a different browser sucks.
Which problem is this? The bad request issue? I haven't looked into it, but if it's the same issue as with Safari, it's completely out of our hands.
Also, Opera is not an officially supported browser for a number of reasons. One of them is certainly the fact that only 0.66% of our visitors use it (and that tiny number is decreasing rapidly). So spending a significant amount of time testing on it and making things compatible with it just isn't in the cards. I'm sorry. I think it's a far better browser than IE6, but we are forced by the numbers to spend a huge amount of effort making sure things mostly work with IE6.
Please explain to me again why it is that there is nothing you can do to correct the problem that is only happening with your service. I'm no wizard or sorcerer but I just don't get, how it can be out of your hands.
Opera is one of the ones I tried to use as a work around cause I don't like FF, but it suffers from the same issue
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Don blogged about it here:
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Safari got an update and introduced the bug. We found out and tried everything we could from our end to work around it, including contacting Apple and working with them. It also affected some major US banks as well as Gmail and Facebook, among other sites. It's intermittent and unpredictable, so while some may only be having problems with SmugMug, there are others that have no problems with SmugMug, but instead have problems with the other affected sites.
Put simply, it's a bug in their software and it requires a fix from them, since we have no hold over their code. I'm really sorry. I know it's frustrating, but aside from submitting a bug report to them, contacting them repeatedly about it, and blogging publicly (all of which we have done), there is nothing we can actually accomplish from our end.
Still a current issue at Gmail: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=known_issues.cs&bucket=14974&detail=140493
Sorry but I use Gmail, facebook and online banking, I'm on the internet 8 hours a day and Smugmug is the ONLY place I have ever seen this error.
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Excuse me for saying so, but perhaps only .66% of your visitors use it because it is not supported? Ive noticed that all smugmug gallery pages appear with long horizontal scroll bars on Opera, and when the left/right keys are used for navigation, the entire page shifts to the left with each key press. Now that would annoy me if Opera was my only browser. At least Opera strives to be standards-compliant. IE 6 is pure garbage in comparison. However I do appreciate the fact that Opera is in the distinct minority as far as general browser usage goes and may diminish as Internet Explorer improves, as in IE 8. IE 8 is actually a good browser.
We have a finite-set of browsers we support, because adding more means more development and QA work, and everyone here already does a superhero's job of the work of 2 people
We officially support: IE6/7/8 on Windows; Firefox 2, 3 on Win & Mac; Safari on Mac & Win.
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Yes I understand. When I design a web page, I test it for IE 6 as well. In fact I have it on a virtual machine on this PC along with IE8 so that I can test with it.